Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Artist Feature and Giveaway: PoleStar Jewelry

Ah Autumn and her dance of vibrant color where as Albert Camus says, "...every leaf is a flower." The Etsy Artist feature has returned from her summer rest. On this day I bring you a cherished individual who I have gotten to know through her daily tweets on Twitter. I am continually astounded on the internets ability to connect individuals. I bring you a friend, a mother and an extra-ordinary cultural creative Jennifer Cogwill of PoleStar Jewelry.

The two pictures above illustrate the beauty filled adornments Jennifer so skillfully creates. In the very wide Universe of the Etsy "jewelry" marketplace Jen has garnered herself over 1255 sales since joining in September 2008. Part of the mastery of her skill set is expertly crafted items, well photographed products, excellent customer service and great marketing skills which include both Facebook and Twitter.

Personally, I can vouch for all of the above. I own a pair of the Peloponnese, Peridot Onion Earrings which are absolutely divine. Jennifer is one of those individuals that embodies all aspects of the feminine. By looking at the artistry she creates it is quite obvious she is very skilled as a jewelry artist. Her wit and cleverness is seen best on her Twitter feed. Check it out, you will see what I mean, in fact I suggest following her. As a fellow member of the tribe of mothers, wives and online seller, her tweats have me chuckling quite often.

I first came across Jennifer through a series of auspicious events. It began with a "Bee" themed treasury I created on Etsy. In that particular treasury I included a pair of little honeybee earrings of another seller on Etsy which eventually led me to PoleStar on Twitter. One never quite knows what road the Universe may lead you, just remember to always follow your own guiding principal, your polestar, your heart.

Here are a few questions I asked Jennifer so that we could get to know her just a little more:

1.) What is the one thing you find most inspiring to feed your creative spirit?

I suppose walking in the woods and being around nature is the most inspiring to me. We live in front of a protected wetlands area and I try to get back there fairly regularly. I really feel an energy from a natural environment and I feel revitalized after spending any time in a forest setting. I used to live in a very forested area where I graduated from college and to this day if I need to calm myself I close my eyes and imagine myself in the little clearing where I lived, the soft sounds of the breeze and the soft buzz of insects, the warm dappled sunlight. I am very homesick for it!

2.) What is your favorite scent from the natural world?

When my parents lived in Hawaii for a few years I visited a few times and the air was always so fragrant from flowers, it was like living in paradise. I also have fond memories associated with a relative's house on a lake, the woods behind her house backed right up to a lake and there was a shady area with a mossy carpet you could lay on and throw Cheerios to the fish. I loved the earthy smell of the lake and the moss.

3.) If you were Queen of a village what would you wish for your kingdom?

My wish would be that we could all work together to sustain each other, so we could all flourish.

4.) How did you find yourself creating jewelry?

I have made little things all through my childhood and up through high school, beaded necklaces, etc. I thought I would get more serious about it one day, bought some books and started making things and decided to start selling.

5) As a work at home mom of two young boys what tips can you give other work at home moms?

I could probably talk for an hour about this subject. My first advice would be to not forget your marriage partnership, whatever that entails in your own relationship. Try to get as much done while your children are napping or in school. I devote the first half of every day my kids are home to getting out of the house and doing something with them, whether that is taking them to see friends, to run errands or go to a park. I cannot make jewelry when my kids are awake, they would be entirely too curious and it would lead to conflict for all of us, so I only make jewelry at night. I do the marketing, administrative, photography, listing when my toddler is napping or we are having a siesta time where my two boys (4.5 and 2.5 years old) relax and play quietly. You may feel guilty at times, but try not to. Chances are, 200 years ago, you would have been working in a farm field with your children at your side. Work is part of the human experience, it is only a modern ideal that women can stay home and devote ALL their time with their children. Most households need two incomes, and if you want to stay at home with your kids and can maintain a work at home job as well, you will find it very rewarding.

Thank you so much dear Jennifer!

NOW...the Giveaway!

For the giveaway Jen has graciously selected the stunning necklace pictured above titled Glowing Lunar Light Necklace. At her PoleStar Jewelry shop she describes this beauty as:

AA Grade fire blue Rainbow Moonstone faceted briolette is wire wrapped in oxidized and polished sterling silver and suspended on an oxidized and polished sterling silver chain at 18 inches (45.5cm) with a lobster trigger clasp.

The Moonstone briolette reminds me of a full glowing moon on a clear night.

Moonstone briolette is 10mm x 10mm
Gem has a natural tiny black mineral deposit which you can see on the photos.

Here's how to enter:
1. Begin by leaving a comment on this post mentioning your favorite item on Jennifers shop on Etsy, PoleStar Jewelry. You may only enter once and you must include your first name -and- etsy username or email address with each entry or it will not be included.

For additional entries you can do the following and post in the comments to let me know:
(2 extra) Twitter this Giveaway and supply your twitter name. You may do this every day, each tweat counts as another entry if you submit them individually.
(2 extra) Become a fan of PoleStarJewelry on Facebook, (if you already are a fan of PoleStar on Facebook, just let me know)
(2 extra) Purchase an item of $25 or more from PoleStar Jewelry shop during this Giveaway.
(1 extra) Follow my blog (if you already follow, just let me know)
If you do any of these you must let me know for your additional entries to be included. You got the "let me know part" right?

If you do any of these you must let me know for your additional entries to be included. You got the let me know part right?

More fine print, learned along the way
1. If we cannot contact you we will give your prize away to someone else.
2. The featured seller will do their very best to mail the winners package in a timely manner, please contact them directly if you have any questions.
3. Each entry is assigned a card from several decks here at the house, I then shuffle all the cards and have someone handy (like my daughter or husband) choose a card for the winner and a runner up.
4. If you have won the Artist Feature and Giveaway in the past you may enter again.
5. Please don't make up any new guidelines, what is outlined above is what we follow.

The giveaway ends Sunday, September 20th at 1opm PST with the winner announced on Tuesday (The Autumn Equinox) on September 22nd. Please help us get the word out.

Good Luck!


Monica said...

I adore PoleStar's jewelry!

One of my favorites is her Medoc Noir necklace.

I am already a facebook fan of PoleStar.

I now follow your lovely blog :)

I tweeted this (moonovermaize)

My name is Monica and my etsy name is moonovermaize

Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!!

Monica said...

I adore PoleStar's jewelry!

One of my favorites is her Medoc Noir necklace.

I am already a facebook fan of PoleStar.

I now follow your lovely blog :)

I tweeted this (moonovermaize)

My name is Monica and my etsy name is moonovermaize

Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!!

Monica said...

I adore PoleStar's jewelry!

One of my favorites is her Medoc Noir necklace.

I am already a facebook fan of PoleStar.

I now follow your lovely blog :)

I tweeted this (moonovermaize)

My name is Monica and my etsy name is moonovermaize

Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!!

Monica said...

I adore PoleStar's jewelry!

One of my favorites is her Medoc Noir necklace.

I am already a facebook fan of PoleStar.

I now follow your lovely blog :)

I tweeted this (moonovermaize)

My name is Monica and my etsy name is moonovermaize

Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!!

Monica said...

I adore PoleStar's jewelry!

One of my favorites is her Medoc Noir necklace.

I am already a facebook fan of PoleStar.

I now follow your lovely blog :)

I tweeted this (moonovermaize)

My name is Monica and my etsy name is moonovermaize

Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!!

Monica said...

OMG!! I'm so sorry, I'm such a nut! I have been having trouble with blogger lately and I thought that it wasn't taking my comment. Now I just noticed the comment will be available after owner approval!

Hahaha! So sorry, please excuse my lack of common sense :)

Illuminated Perfume said...

Monica, Thanks for dropping in dear one! No worries about the extra comments. Good luck and thanks for tweeting this!

Egater said...

My favorite is Life and Letters Bracelet - Amethyst Smooth Ovals and Vintage Lucite Bead on Oxidized Sterling Silver

Egater said...

I lied in last comment - I like all your work
I am follower now

Pamster said...

Wow, what gorgeous jewelry! I dabble in it a bit myself, so I know what work and care has to go into it to make such beautiful things!
My over-all fave has to be the "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" necklace. I'm a sucker for moonstone and iolite!!
I'm a follower of your blog & tweets, and I'll RT this posting.


Lilly said...

what a great shop!
My favorite is the Fixed in the Firmament Earrings - AA Topaz on Sterling Silver. Gorgeous!


Eliane T.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

Lilly said...

I am a new Facebook fan (Lilly Papers) #1

Lilly said...

I am a new Facebook fan (Lilly Papers) #2

mjb said...

The ghostly garden earrings are the neatest things.
etsy: graciemay

Julie said...

My favorite item is the Solidus Bracelet.

I'm already a facebook fan of PoleStar.
I now follow your great blog :)
I twitted the giveway (julie_c_m)
My name is Julie and my Etsy username is jmoularde

Thank you!

Christian said...

I think my favorite would have to be the Night Dew Necklace. I can see that becoming a permanent entity of my fall wardrobe. The simplicity of this jewelry makes it so elegant.

sully DOT christian AT gmail DOT com

Christian said...

I also became a fan on facebook AND tweeted about this giveaway, check me out on Twitter at @FritNotAtWork

sully DOT christian AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I'm very excited, I love polestar's work, the jewellery is exquisite, and the photography out of this world.

now then, a favourite, well I settled for 6 of them, then read the other comments, saw they were all other things and now want to go back!

if pushed, I'd go for the 'verdant' necklace. wow.

I'm Rachel from Rachel Lucie Jewellery Designs and twitter is rachellucie too.
already got Jennifer on facebook!
off to tweet this

Shonda herblueyestudio said...

My favorite piece would have to be the Pampas Necklace, but it is so hard to choose one.

Love your blog (I'm now following), I tweeted the giveaway (herblueyestudio),I am Shonda and my etsy name is herblueyestudio.


Anonymous said...

I love the look of Jennifer's jewelry--the gorgeous wire wrapping she does and the names of the pieces, as well, are inspired. Favorite: Signs and Portents Earrings
SOOOO cute!

I am a fan of Polestar on facebook.
I did tweet about this fab giveaway (sunshinejones)
I am now following your blog and am about to go visit your etsy shop!
My etsy name is SunshineJones

Peg said...

Hi (Again!) Roxana:

Thank you for hosting another giveaway. Jennifer's pieces are all beautiful, but the one I like best is the Nereid Necklace (though I also love the Pink Cubist Necklace and the Botanical Bracelet with its autumnal palette). The Glowing Lunar Light Necklace prize is quite fabulous, too. I love moonstones!

Please give me an extra entry for following your blog.

From your blogging-challenged friend in SM . . .

<3 Peg

roxxyroller said...

Such attractive pieces over there, and hard to choose just one!!

I think that the Ghostly Garden Earrings are just stunning!!


Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at

roxxyroller said...

I tweeted!!


Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at

roxxyroller said...

Became a fan of PoleStarJewelry on Facebook! (Heather Clouston-Diotte)


Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at

The Giveaway Diva said...

Meteorite Earrings - AAA Labradorite, Druzy Chips, Freshwater Pearls on Sterling Silver love!!


The Giveaway Diva said...

i'm a ne follower!!


HJ said...

Wow, what a beautiful shop!

I'm struggling to chose my favourite item, so the best I could do is note two... :-D

Sage Evening Garden Earrings - Czech Glass Flowers on Brass
Darkness Falls Earrings- Labradorite and Blue Goldstone on Oxidized Sterling Silver

Such stunning pieces.

Roxana - I follow your blog already!

Many thanks for entering me in the draw!

hollyjae [@] gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have been coveting the 'Havana earrings' for a while, I love the stones and Jen has matched the gold perfectly with them.

My name is Deepa and my etsy name is 'lazygiraffe'

I hope I win :)

Abie said...

I love your Ruby Lane Necklace. I always love garnets because they remind me of my grandmother. And that necklace is super elegant.

Tickleworm said...

I am a fan of the Mocha Necklace! I love all of Polestars jewelry!

Tickleworm said...

I am following you now! Too!

Tickleworm said...

I tweeted!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the new moon necklace. I love the transparency of your pieces.

ghainskom at yahoo dot com

KristaR said...

Wow! Beautiful pieces! I love the Limoncello Necklace - Lemon Chalcedony Onion on Oxidized Sterling Silver Chain

etsyname: cuterpie

Jennifer Pellicone said...

I have a hard time choosing anything other than labradorite, especially the Astronomer's Necklace - Labradorite on Sterling Silver Chain. Oh, what a bead. Oh, what a necklace!
cspmom at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Autumn Gilded Leaf Necklace - Gold Plated Leaf on Oxidized Sterling Silver is my favorite necklace! Thanks for the opportunity!


AlisonWonderland said...

oh, my goodness...I want everything! but I especially love the Winged Migration Necklace - Moss Amethyst with Brass Patina Butterfly Charm on Copper. That stone is almost unearthly.

My name is Alison, on etsy I'm gemini5757 (I'm a buyer, not a seller...yet!)

gemini5757 at

LoveCharlesVintage said...

Wow! this necklace is amazing! The stone is gorgeous.
After much deliberation I have decided that Aura Totem Necklace is my favorite piece and Life and Letters Necklace
came in as a close second.
Thank you very much for the chance to win this wonderful necklace!
-Lily Greig

SewSweetStitches said...

I love the Winged Migration necklace!

Lily said...

i love the autumn gilded leaf necklace!

Tina12312 said...

Everything is so gorgeous, hard to choose just one so I picked:

Transfiguration Necklace - Fluorite Carved Leaf on Oxidized Sterling Silver

and Aura Totem Necklace - Aqua Chalcedony Briolette with AB Crystal Quartz on Sterling Silver

thank you!

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win this and I tweeted

thank you!

Tina12312 said...

I'm a Fan of PoleStar on Facebook.

clenna said...

I love the Hint Earrings - Knot Options- Bridal Swarovski Crystal Briolettes with Sterling Silver - gorgeous!
clenna at aol dot com

kat said...

Glowing Lunar Light Necklace with the moonstone it reminds me of a firefly.

my name is kathryn
my etsy name is kathrynmary

Steph said...

I adore Jennifer and her shop. PoleStar jewelry is amazing.

I am wearing a freshly purchased necklace right now... this one... it is simply stunning and delicious :) LOVE.

I am a facebook fan of Polestar!

I have RT this.. I am IvanaMixalot on twitter :)

I am currently coveting the Winged Migration Necklace.. it is gorgeous and so unique!!

Casandra said...

My favorite piece is the Spanish Harlem Earrings - Vintage Cloisonne Charms on Brass. Wonderful!
dikatzen at yahoo dot fr

janetfaye said...

I love New Moon Necklace.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. PoleStar Jewelry Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. PoleStar Jewelry Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow this blog - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

409cope said...

I like the Labrynthe Garden Bracelet the most. Shari cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Teri and Amber said...

Love all of Polestar jewelry. Love the oxidized pieces! hard to pick a fave- but here goes: Nereid Necklace
I follow your blog.
I tweeted: beadalicious
already a fan of Polestar!
My name is Teri and Etsy shop is gemaliciousbeads

Cabootique said...

I love the Night Dew Necklace.


secret cake said...

Wow-- I really like the Immolation Onyx and Garnet on Sterling Silver Earrings.

Thank you for the opportunity!

my Etsy username is secretcake and my email address is secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Unknown said...

new follower @tkeiger

LOVE the Pampas Grass & the Neriead necklaces!
So glad that I spotted that tweet....anyone who is a fellow Robbins fan from NC who also loves perfume and jewelry has got to be travelling and interesting path.
Looking forward to following your and your blog
Now, off to tweet!

DinaXYYan said...

My fave is New Moon Necklace - Swarovski Crystal Moon on Oxidized Sterling Silver Chain


DinaXYYan said...

+2 entries
i tweeted:


joeandbridge said...

I LOVED the Pampas Necklace - Lampwork Bead with Smokey Quartz Shield on Oxidized Sterling Silver. Beautiful. Thanks for the Giveaway.
Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said...

I tweeted your giveaway. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
Twitter id: joeandbridge

joeandbridge said...

I tweeted your giveaway. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
Twitter id: joeandbridge

joeandbridge said...

I became a fan of PoleStarJewelry on Facebook. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
FB name: Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said...

I became a fan of PoleStarJewelry on Facebook. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
FB name: Bridgette Groschen

joeandbridge said...

I now follow your blog. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen

Candyce said...

What gorgeous jewelry! I love the Urban Renewal Earrings - Peach Freshwater Pearls on Oxidized Sterling Silver, and will definitely purchase these for my sister's Christmas present ...

Cee @ ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

Spamgirl said...


My favourite item is the Dark Matter Necklace - AA Labradorite Smooth Briolette on Oxidized Sterling Silver.


Thank you!

Spamgirl said...


Tweeted! :)

Thank you!

Spamgirl said...

first tweet entry #2

Spamgirl said...

fb entry #2

trisha too said...

these labradite earrings are gorgeous!

sandtneal at mfire dot com

trisha too said...

following you!

sandtneal at mfire dot com

fındıkfaresi said...

My fave is:


fındıkfaresi said...

I am a new follower..


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous giveaway my fingers are crossed. All the jewelry is beautiful but I really love the ghostly garden earrings .Thanks for the giveaway.Marian

Susan said...

Very hard to choose but I like the Go Lightly earrings. What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...


I love the winged migration necklace. It's adorable.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted here:


Anonymous said...

Tweet entry #2

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of polestar on facebook

Anonymous said...

Facebook fan #2

Anonymous said...

And I'm following your blog

CathyH said...

This is a wonderful collection of jewelry! I love old glass and one favorite is the Goblet Earrings

CathyH said...

I follow your blog now, hi!

Bombtastic Belle said...

I love the Metro Necklace, and Properity earrings and necklace are beautiful :)

63sonotech said...

Everything is really beautiful but the October Glow Necklace on the first page just stuck out to me(my fav) but then I continued on and the Life and Letters Bracelet - Amethyst Smooth Ovals and Vintage Lucite Bead on Oxidized Sterling Silver is also beautiful. I also liked the Lava Flow Orange Chadcedo and Mexican fired opal on sterling silver was nice too.
mona c

Unknown said...

I really like the Rouge Necklace!!!

- Lindsay


Gold Rush Necklace -10 percent OFF - Citrine on Sterling Silver- it sparkles- it shines- i like it

Unknown said...

My favorite item is the Absinthe Necklace - Jade Smooth Round on Oxidized Sterling Silver!!


Unknown said...

facebook fan :)


Unknown said...

I follow your blog :)


SiSi Sparkles said...

My favorite item is the: Gold Rush Earrings - Citrine Quartz Nuggets on Oxidized Sterling Silver
Thanks for the chance!

SiSi Sparkles said...

Posted your giveaway at:
We will tweet the giveaway as well! Feel free to submit your future handmade giveaways to us:)

Kat said...

y fave is the Autumn Gilded Leaf Necklace - Gold Plated Leaf on Oxidized Sterling Silver

katch05 at gmail dot com

kakihara said...

I love the Ghostly Garden Earrings - AA Natrual Chalcedony with Silver Plated Blossom Charms
first name Darcy
Etsy username darcybel

amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amanda said...

I love the Shama earrings!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

tweet -
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

amanda said...

tweet 2, see above
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

sabrita said...

I am dazzled by PoleStar's beautiful jewelry. A favorite piece of mine is the Trans Figuration Necklace-Flourite Carved Leaf on Oxidized Sterling Silver.
My name is Sally
My etsy name is sabrita

Anonymous said...

I love the Absinthe Necklace.

thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win this necklace and I tweeted again (Tina12312)

thank you!

Danielle said...

What a beautiful necklace! I also like her Perseids Earrings.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com
The Happy Wife
Homeschool Unit Studies

joeandbridge said...

**Daily Tweet**

Spamgirl said...


Tweeted! :)

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love PoleStar's jewelry also!! I recently purchased my four most favorite items and I check my mail everyday with anticipation. :-)

My new favorites are the Havana earrings and necklace... sooo sexy! I also have my eye on the Silk earrings.

I have been a PoleStar fan on Facebook for a while now and I just became follower #100 of this blog. I do not tweet unfortunately, but this contest may just inpire me to start!!

I am on etsy as SharonSharalike and my email is sharon(UNDERSCORE)sharalike(AT)hotmail(DOT)com

Thanks so much!!

Wendi P said...

Wow! I really like

Hope Necklace - AB Mystic Quartz Briolette on Sterling Silver

it is amazing!

parodi821 at yahoo dot com

plb8156 said...

I love the Shama earrings

Lee P said...

I really like the Shade and Secrets Earrings. Thanks for this nice giveaway and please count me in.


Lee P said...

I follow your blog.


Lee P said...

My Twitter id is chinook92 and I tweeted your giveaway:


Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Modern Love necklace! My name is Stephanie, and my email is:

Thanks for the great giveaway! Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

I also follow your blog :)

Linda Kish said...

I like the sweetheart necklace

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Barbara said...

A favorite necklace of mine by PoleStar jewelry is the Phoenix Rising Necklace. It is a beautiful and feminine adornment that perfectly reflects your glamorous self. Made with Mexican Fire Opal and Faceted Onyx it seems like it will capture light and softly diffuse the light bringing out the smoothness and creaminess of your skin! Absolutely stunning!

donkeytiara said...

this is beautiful.... it's simplicity is the magic. my name is cindy and my etsy name is donkeytiara. thanks for creating jewelry that makes me think of my favorite places on the planet....

C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ginger said...

Everything is so pretty!I found a lot of favorites!! I love that the simplicity in all of the creations doesn't take away from the lovely gems.
The midnight Berry necklace is adorable.Garnet is my birthstone so i fell for the Claret Necklace right away;)

Ginger said...

I am a blog follower

larajean1 said...

I really don't have a favorite at Polestar....I love so many of her creations. I'll pick the Starlight earrings for my submission though. Simple, classic and goes with everything..

I am also a fan on facebook and I'm going to follow your blog me 3 entries. Thanks!

larajean1 said...

Oops...I forgot to say that my email address is and my etsy name is larajean1

Jessica said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the By the Light of the Silvery Moon necklace! This is the most beautiful jewelry I've ever seen in my life!

Jessica said...

I am now a Facebook fan and I commented on the page!

Tortoiseperson said...

My favourite item of PoleStar's was the Night Dew necklace that you show - so much so that I bought it! before I even saw it featured here.

Another favourite is the Inkwell lampwork necklace. Dark, monochrome and moody.

So, do I get two extra entries for having bought Night Dew?

My name is Lindsay, etsy name BrunetteTabitha. I'm not on Facebook, nor Twitter.

Thank you!

C said...

Retweeted the message

twitter: ichbinconnie
etsy: contikishack
name: Connie

Nelsby said...

It's SO tough to pick a favorite...this beautiful work is just so unique! I just love the Pampas Necklace - Lampwork Bead with Smokey Quartz Shield on Oxidized Sterling Silver.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of PoleStarJewelry (Aimee Waerhouse).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am a Facebook fan of PoleStarJewelry (Aimee Waerhouse)...#2
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

I am following your blog (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Tweet 2:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica said...

Hello! It's Jessica aka redpanda. :)

I love the way this necklace just seems to glow.

I follow polestar on twitter and love the shop in general.

<3 <3

trixx said...

I adore the Sea Floor necklace, so gorgeous!

lea: trixpixel[at]

trixx said...

I follow your blog!
lea: trixpixel[at]

Mel said...

I'm also a follower of your blog :)

Mel said...

Hm, not sure the first one went through...didn't get the same green "your comment has been saved" message as I just got for my second entry, so here goes again just in case. (sorry if the first one did go through :( )

I like the Night Dew Necklace - it's so pretty!
melarchi (at) gmail (dot) com

the brown couch said...

October Glow Necklace

comfortjoydesigns AT gmail DOT com

Michigan Addy Ready

Unknown said...

What a lovely find, thank you for this Roxana!
I love her labradorite pendants (the smooth one especially!) but my favourite is the Night Dew Necklace of which you included a photo. Magical.

(or aproos on Etsy)

renee said...

I like the Flaxen Earrings - Rutilated Golden Quartz on Brass

reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca

renee said...

I follow
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca

Tina12312 said...

Would love to win this gorgeous necklace! I'm following you on Twitter and I tweeted

thank you!

Oleander said...

Lovely shop!

My favorites right now are the Heart Afire necklace and the Guilded Garden Lantern Earrings. Beauties!

My name is Oleander, and on etsy I'm bearsandwater. Thanks!

Tylerpants said...

The Havana Necklace is stunning,the color is just beautiful!


Tylerpants said...

I'm a follower


denise said...

The gilded blossom earrings are gorgeous!
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com

denise said...

I follow
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com

Susan Frances Champagne said...

Susan here. My compadre Barbara Lipson turned me on to inspirational Roxana, and I followed the trail to Polestar. BEAUTIFUL! I love the new growth earrings.

Nelsby said...

Daily Tweet:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

Daily Tweet 2:
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Con said...


name: Connie
etsy: Contikishack

Evangeline said...

Lovely jewelry! Everything is quite pretty! I really love the "Botanical Bracelet - Verdigris Leaf Charm with Ruby and Glass Lampwork" on her etsy shop.
My name is Eve and my esty username is twoknit.


Unknown said...

My favorite item is the Dark Matter Necklace


zaftig2k at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow your blog

zaftig2k at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I am a facebook fan

zaftig2k at yahoo dot com

pippirose said...

Stunning jewelry!
I love the peridot onion earrings, as well.
Wonderful giveaway!
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

My name: Piroska
I now also Follow you on BLogger

Belinda M said...

I really like the The Seventh House Necklace - Blue Glass Lampwork Beads with Fine Silver on Sterling Silver Chain

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at


Belinda M said...

tweeted as prairiebelle

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at


Lee P said...

Daily Tweet:


hilary said...

I Love the Transfiguration Necklace. but all in all i love everything on here , please enter me for the giveaway , i follow u on twitter as @weldo , my e mail addy is
with love from Hilary

ShySiren said...

I love Jen - she keeps me sane. We compare Etsy notes. ;)

From her shop, I love this:

I also tweeted this giveway (twitter ID: shysiren).
I am a facebook fan of Polestar too.

Etsy ID: ShySiren

PLEASE let me win, hehe.

I love you, Jen :)


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Love the Medoc Noir - Berry Colored Freshwater Pearl with Vesuvianite Briolette Leaf with Oxidized Sterling Silver Wire and Chain Necklace.

Fan of PoleStar on facebook-melanie adey

=D melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Paulinas Designs said...

I love love love the October necklace....

A a fan of Polestar

I love this blog and am now a follower

My name is Paulina and you will find me at paulinasdesigns on etsy.

Barbara said...

Barbara-- Just to let you know. The Night Dew Necklace is beautiful and feminine. I can see it will go with a lot of fall and winter fashions on the east coast. I just bought it for a very good friend of mine to give as a present for her birthday.


Em Sands said...

Oh wow! I can't pick a favourite, I love sooo many sooo much!! One of the many I am drooling over: the Thunder necklace. Gorgeous!


Em Sands said...

I tweeted:

My Twitter name is SaywardBC, and my name is Melanie, btw.

(Entry #1 for the tweet)


Em Sands said...

(Entry #2 for the tweet)


Em Sands said...

Became a Facebook fan of PoleStar
(Entry #1)


Em Sands said...

Became a Facebook fan of PoleStar
(Entry #2)


Em Sands said...

I'm following your blog now, too (as M.Sands)


Aik said...

I love the Coronet Necklace - Swarovski Crystal Baroque Drop on Oxidized Sterling Silver Chain!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Facebook fan. (Aik Chien) #1

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Facebook fan. (Aik Chien) #2

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...


aikychien at yahoo dot com

alovelymadness said...

Sea Floor Necklace - Aqua Chalcedony and Oxidized Sterling Silver

Recently bought some rough cut chalcedony. I love it.

I thought I was too late for the giveaway, then I realized you are on PST. YAY !

Illuminated Perfume said...

WOW! Thank you everyone who stopped by here. What a powerful magnet PoleStar is! It will take me some time to tally this all up. Please be patient.

This giveaway is now closed.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful jewelery! My fave would be By the light of the silvery moon necklace! Gorgeous! I tweeted the giveaway (amykenyon) and I just became a follower of your blog! I luv it! And I am a fan of Polestar on FB. my email is THANK U!