A glimpse into the next perfume in the Flowers of Fortune series, can you guess what it will bee based on? NPR just did a segment on the growing trend of Urban Beekeeping, catch it by following this link.
The image is part of a limited edition art card scratch off game which debuts tomorrow at Comic Con in San Diego. They are a card set of four created by artist Greg Spalenka.
That image is spectacular... she's like a fire Kwan Yin !
I'd love it if you shared some more about the image... wow !
Hi Brizel, Isn't she divine. This image and the other three will debut at the opening of Comic Con, they are by artist Greg Spalenka http://www.spalenka.com I'll be back tomorrow evening with all four and a little blurb on each.
Beautiful... so inspiring... thanks for the info !
xox Nicole
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