Saturday, August 1, 2009

Archaeological Estancia

Continuing with the showcase of our trip to Ecuador, we left off on the tenth day,
where we visited the Cotopaxi Hacienda San Agustin.
A Hacienda is a large estate for farming or ranching,
in Argentina we use the word Estancia for a similar type dwelling.

The St. Agustin Hacienda de Callo goes by the name Inca House, an Archaeological Estancia built on the site of a former Inca palace. Since the 1400's San Agustin was an Incan fortress, an Augustinian convent and the temporary home for the French Geodesic Mission.
The scientific results of the Geodesic Mission facilitated in determining
the shape of Planet Earth.

The Hacienda is a stunningly, gorgeous place, with quite a variety of wonder to gaze upon.

Blocks that were once part of the Incan palace
are visible and have been artfully incorporated into the new structure.
Three centuries of style are woven gracefully at St. Agustin, Inca
(Imperial style – 15th century,
Spanish Colonial (18th century) and Republican (19th century).

We wondered through the gate, into a beautiful courtyard where the main house is visible.
We were greeted by a handsome gentleman.
Eduardo informed him that we had arrived for lunch at the Hacienda.
While lunch was being prepared we explored.

Eve and I were completely enchanted at how beautiful everything was.
It all looked like a photo shoot from one of our Anthropology catalogs.
We deemed this are very favorite place so far in Ecuador and wished we could stay a few days.

Eventually we were escorted to wait inside an ochre colored sitting room with an Incan block wall along one side. The interior was really lovely and reminded me quite a bit of my uncles home in the Pampas. Eve, Daniel and I were completely enchanted and wondered about the room taking photos. In the meantime, Greg and Eduardo sat on the couch looking at books and discussing the history of the individuals who owned the Hacienda.

This Inca Palace or temple was built by the Incan Emperor Tupac-Yupanqui
or Huayna-Capac in the 15th century.
San Agustin de Callo constitutes the only lived in museum
of Inca Imperial and Spanish Colonial style.

A photo of one the owner of the Hacienda when she was young.

Eve and I felt that the Hacienda was the perfect place to do a photo shoot.

Perfectly carved volcanic stone walls of two of the Inca rooms
which have survived the centuries and now serve as chapel and dining room.

Part of the afternoon entertainment included a visit with Llamas, they liked carrots.


Daniel, Greg and Eduardo

Flower arrangements in an atelier.

The room looked perfect for preparing the raw materials needed for botanical perfumes!
I could clearly see myself growing organic plant matter which would be harvested and then
prepared in this room for intoxicating natural, botanical perfumes.

We shared lunch with, to my surprise a group from the Argentine consulate in Quito.
In the photo above before our fellow luncheon companions had not yet arrived.

Goodbye St. Agustin, until the next time, intending sooner than later!


  1. Wow!!! Everything does look like it's straight out of an Anthropology catalog!

    Thanks for the comment, by the way. I am sorry to her that Greg lost his photos as well!

  2. I have so many photos of this Hacienda, I'll put the rest up on my flickr account today.

    Did you see the cover of the LA Times magazine today? The hair reminded me of the beautiful hair you so eloquently draw.

  3. I just know that each time I stop by your blog Roxana, that I'll be taken somewhere beautifully unexpected!
    Thanks for today's journey.
