Monday, December 21, 2009

The Circle: The Winter Solstice

Round and round we go. Here we are once more at the big turn of the seasonal wheel to find ourselves at the Winter Solstice. To call in the light during the darkest part of the year we have the Mistress Bard herself. Please light your candle and gather round while Beth at Perfume Smellin' Things shares a bit of gratitude and a splendid Solstice Celebration she has been preparing with her sister.

The Winter Solstice - ADVENTure Ahead

Images: ADVENTure blogging banner by Roxana Villa.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the day Roxana -- I'm such a devotee of summer, this day always makes me very happy as I know the light and heat are finally returning. Enjoy your holidays! Terese
