Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wandering Wonderland Winners

Thus grew the tale of Wonderland:
Thus slowly, one by one,
Its quaint events were hammered out —
And now our tale is done
And home we steer, a merry crew,
Beneath the setting sun.
~ Lewis Carroll

Here I am...FINALLY...I think I must have fallen through yet another wormhole, I mean rabbit hole, so sorry! In either case, I have five little sample vials of Smell Me here in my pocket for the winners of the Wandering Wonderland game.

Ah, but, first, the correct answers were:

Helg at Perfume Shrine = Cheshire Cat
Indie Perfumes = White Rabbit
Beth at Windsphere Witch = Caterpillar
Tom at Perfume Smellin' Things = Hatter
Roxana of Illuminated Perfume = Alice

The winners:

Queen of Spade = Holly
Jack of Spade = Lisa
Queen of Clubs = Denise
Jack of Hearts = Anatole
Queen of Hearts = Angie

Thank you to every person who stopped by and participated, I am so grateful to the bloggers who contributed their time, wit and words as well as each of YOU.

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