This one person sweat shop has been super busy lately and hasn't had a chance to feed the journal much. Tasks consuming as of late include the ongoing Jasmine tincture which now includes an infusion, gathering acorns from the oaks for various projects, bee related stuff, shooting process photos for a bunch of interviews and the ongoing making and shipping of botanical natural perfumes.

Seems that this roller coaster economic cauldron is heating up a bit. I'm working harder than ever to just scrape by...if even scrape! Mind you as an illustrator I lived in a feast or famine type atmosphere, but never quite this close to famine. In fact, I can't even really say I've experienced a whole hell of feast. The feast side of things in the past was more symbolic, it was the fact that I was able to pay my bills from making art.

Intending this economic cycle is starting to shift into an upward motion just as the mighty oaks are starting to produce the fruit of their labors.
Opening image: Belshazzar's Feast by John Martin, Jasmine and Apothecary image ©Roxana Villa
What does the oak infusion smell like, visually speaking ?