Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Yesterday was very busy in the studio as I conducted a variety of tasks from making accord/chords, pouring solid perfumes, making the new purple wax sealed enclosure for GtheD (code for Gracing the Dawn) and re-organizing the studio. The reorganizing of the studio has been going on daily for awhile now, it is finally close being settle...for the moment anyway.

The solid perfumes I was working on were Aurora, Lyra and Chaparral. After filling all the pink pots with the synergy for Aurora, jojoba + beeswax combination I placed the extra behind my ears, on my neck, wrists and arms. As I slipped into the passenger side of the car my husband remarked "My honey smells good, really good, wow!" He was inhaling the silage of Aurora solid. Then he said, "I just got a glimpse of what your store will look like!"

Today I harvested what is probably the last of the jasmine sambac flowers for the tincture and am pouring Lyra solid into pots. Thus my scent of the day is richly woven with heady, delicious jasmine. This olfactory landscape will change later in the evening as Greg and I transfer the second Squirrel box of bees into the purple hive box.

I love all the bee related smells: fresh beeswax, old beeswax, the pine from the hive boxes, honey but most of all the overall perfume that rises from the hive box when I open it to do a hive inspection. The "Bee" fragrance is filled with all sort of subtle nuances from the varied fragrance families.

Tomorrows scent is a bit too far into the future for me to pin point now. Most likely it will be Chaparral laced with a bit of Benzoin as I filter the infusion. Benzoin resin has been sitting in a bath of jojoba and the California sun for over a month now. I had forgotten about it until yesterday while gardening I came upon the glass jar partially hidden by native artemisia.

I would have liked to be sharing thoughts and photos from a Labor Day getaway in an exotic location like Hawaii or even Santa Barbara, alas that it not the case. Since Mr. Grindstone is not even interested in going for a walk on the beach, I just may do it on my own. Amazing to think that the beach is so close but yet so far from yesterday, today and tomorrow.

and Text ©Roxana Villa, pilfering content is a violation of copyright, don't do it.


  1. Hi Roxana,
    Great post, but I thought you were writing about the shrub that has blue flowers commonly named "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"! It has a lovely fragrance, BTW. I discovered it a few years ago at Descanso, but see that it all over the city. It can also get quite large!

  2. There's a deserted hive in my ceiling that drips down my bedroom wall, and when it rains the scent spreads magnificently.

  3. Wow MerMaiden, that aroma sounds like heaven!

  4. Hey Maggie, I've never heard of this shrub. I went and took a look online, very pretty, to bad they are not native to California. Although they will be great food for the bees this time of year.
