Monday, October 8, 2012


The rectangular glass stopper tops on the glass flacons I use for the liquid perfume extraits are just about done and at the moment I haven't been able to secure more. However, I have three other shaped tops that are made for the bottle.

There are now two options when purchasing 7 grams of perfume extrait in the flacon. The first is the same as before, the second is the same bottle but you now have a choice on the shape of the ground stopper top. Since these tops are a bit taller, the bottle filled with perfume will be sold without the pouch, simply packaged in the purple box with the new mini cards.


  1. I love looking at pictures of perfume bottles - even empty ones : )

    I'm also glad you mentioned your new mini cards! They're a wonderful addition to the package: informative, good quality paper and the perfect size to store easily for future reference. A few of them scattered amoungst the papers on my desk give it that "classy messy" look rather than just "messy"!

  2. Thank you for the sweet and supportive comment Cymbaline. I also love and already used what you wrote about Chiaroscuro over on Greg's blog. Intending you are well and enjoying the Autumn weather.
