Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Deluge

The three day feature on the Etsy front page has brought in a deluge of orders. During that time frame I was averaging about seventy orders a day. I also received a bazillion messages, most of which were asking for help selecting a fragrance.

The downpour resulted in shifting a variety of aspects of the business immediately including bringing in some worker bees. My mom now comes every afternoon to print orders and create shipping labels for the new batch that is ready to be sent out. I also have My, who helped me out at the LA Artisan Fragrance Salon, coming by to help pack orders. While those two gals focus on their tasks I make as much perfume as my two little hands can manage.

Our living room has been converted into shipping & receiving. We brought in three long tables where we lay out orders and begin slowly putting each one together. Most are for solid perfume sample sets. Illuminating the world to the wonders of the value of nature and true, authentic natural perfume has reached new heights this week, I'm so happy to be part of that awareness.

I have ordered more materials across the board and will be updating some of the packaging. Most exciting is that now that I have funds, I can move forward on all those different projects that have been waiting on the tarmac, like little airplanes at a busy airport.

Orders are still coming in by the bucket loads, thus, for you who have been with me for years and tend to have me send you paypal invoices for orders, please be patient while things find a new equilibrium. Waiting at least a week or two would be a great help.


  1. I am so pleased for you :)

  2. Thank you Grace, love you. BTW, I've been pointing folks to the youtube video you did on how to use a solid perfume. That post has been very helpful!!

  3. That's great Roxana, I'm very happy for you too!
    You are an inspiration for small business owners.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations: I'm very happy for you: virtue and talent rewarded, even if I guess it might feel like masses of extra work!

    To anyone who is waiting: we're talking a labour of love and art, so anything Roxana does is worth the wait :)

  6. Wow!! Congrats! Hope you can catch your breath soon! ;-)
