Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Feel the Earth Move

All the ducks are getting lined up for the Figure 1: Noir release for Earth Day. There are still a few items to take care of like more photos, writing the press release and sending samples to my favorite bloggers. In the meantime I have been wearing both versions and getting feedback from the fandom. 

At the moment the solid version that has gone out to folks and showcased at the San Francisco Salon is much more dense and earthy than the liquid. Some of you have expressed that you like them as they are and use them together, while others are in admiration of the liquid but not the solid. Thus, I have made another mod of the fragrance, shifting the solid to be a bit more like the liquid with the fruit note slightly more in the foreground.

Here is a quote about Figure 1: Noir solid, mod 1:

"It reminds me of being in a cool, dim cellar with damp wood, mossy earth and a tantalizing drift of stored fruit from some distant corner."
                                                              ~ Linda

Photograph is by Lucy Snowe, one of the many she did for me.

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