Sunday, February 23, 2014

Drop by Drop

Occasionally new skill sets are required along the fragrant and adventurous path of authentic natural perfume. Recently I've been practicing lots of bending like a reed when important essences go off the radar. This took place when precious Rosa bourbonica absolute from India became unavailable, then again when aromatic treasures contained in Hedera helix and Gracing the Dawn disappeared.

Last week, after much digging, I was able to obtain the essences needed for both Hedera helix and Gracing the Dawn. Hedera helix as a solid is now back, the fluid, liquid perfume will be back this week.

As I sat down to complete many of the perfumes that have run out, analyzing formulas, I noticed that essences required for other fragrances were running low. As a precaution to running out I decided to restock many of the essential oils, absolutes and C02 extracts I use most often. To my great dismay a few of them, ambrette seed C02 for example, have become difficult to obtain. When I saw that one supplier was out I started checking other suppliers one by one. I finally found ambrette on one site but was dismayed to hear that they could only offer me a small amount because they too were out of stock.

Mercy! When these challenges arise I often contemplate why oh why did I choose to work in botanical perfume.

For now, I have enough ambrette seed C02 and ideas on how to recreate the scent as an accord if necessary.

Other fragrances about to make another return this week are Rosa liquid with Gracing the Dawn in both formats following. Drop by drop we're getting there.

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