Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Figure 1: Noir and Hedera helix

Singing over the Bones is the title of a new review of Figure 1: Noir by Beth Schreibman Gehring, so beautifully written I can see the words form into images. No surprise, since Beth is a bit of a witch and definitely knows a few charms. If Hogwarts existed, she'd be the potions teacher, no doubt.

In the post she mentions Hedera helix, how synchronistic because I have great news! After searching and searching and searching I have found and ordered the missing essences for Hedera helix and Gracing the Dawn. I was so happy that jumping up and down resulted. Not only did I find them but they are extremely high quality essences. Thus, expect Hedera helix and Gracing the Dawn to be back in both formats soon.

In the meantime, take a deep breath, get out Figure 1: Noir and Hedera helix (if you have any) and go check out the wonderful review. If inspired leave a comment, Beth tends to like to chat and respond to comments.


  1. Hello Roxana, I have received a sample of Hedera helix with my last order. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to try it. I absolutely love it... so so beautiful. I do not know the perfumers language to describe it properly but I feel amazing wearing it. Thank you very much for your beautiful creations!
    Magdalena xo

  2. Thank you for the sweet words Magdalena. I am so very happy that the green whispers Hedera helix have enchanted you. I'm extremely fond of her as well and tuned into how I feel when I wear a perfume. Lately I've been noticing that although Figure 1: Noir isn't the one I reach for when I go out, when I make it I can't get enough of it! I'm reminded of the quote by Helen Keller: "Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived."
