Friday, April 3, 2020

Covid-19 Survival Story

Amid all the mis-information, fear-mongering, scare-mongering fake news from both the sides of the media, I thought I'd share a story that we are not hearing.

Remember the biggest killer in the US is heart disease  and diabetes, due to poor diets and government funding of campaigns that cause more harm than good.

"Only about 12% of Americans are considered “metabolically healthy.” That means the other 88% of us aren’t meeting basic medical guidelines for things like blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and other markers of metabolic health."

Listen to a pod cast hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman where Dr. Kessler shares his inside experience working for the FDA, revealing the impact of Big Food on food labeling and public health.

Here is David's story told in his words:

"I had just come off a 14 day cleanse, and felt in GREAT health......but this thing is tough. Initially, I just felt like I had a sore throat, and treated that with salt water gargling, etc. Then it seemed like it was a sinus infection for a day, but I was running a slight fever of 99.7. As I started coughing (almost always "productive" - trying to clear my chest), in the next days, the temperature varied between 99.4-100.6 - for about a week. Indigestion, headache, diarrhea and swollen lymph nodes were some of my symptoms that were NOT initially connected with the C virus, so I was confused, and only after I and others did some research did I start to assume that this WAS in fact Covid. I was EXHAUSTED and it just continued to get daily, slightly worse. (My wonderful girlfriend, Laura Hamilton, who lives in Spain, was EXTREMELY helpful, and did research and gave support that belied the 6000 miles distance).

Day 9

I felt some tightness in my chest, and breathing was a bit more work than it had been, so I went to the ER in Northridge, to see if I could get tested for Covid-19. I'd been around a fair number of people in the previous weeks - but with appropriate hand-washing, and TRYING not to touch my face (unsucessfully:(.

The ER doctor told me there is NO way to know where I "caught the virus," as it's been in our society for weeks-it could've been anywhere. She ordered blood tests, checked my breathing, did oxygen tests (oximeter), and a chest x-ray. She said, "You have the Covid-19, from everything I can tell. I'm sorry, but we are reserving the actual test for people who answer one of the several crucial questions in the positive" (Questions: "Do you work in a nursing care facility? Have you travelled outside of the US in the past 2 weeks? Have you definitely had contact with someone who's tested positive for Covid-19?"). She told me the virus had moved into my left lung, with signs in my upper and lower lobes - but that she felt I was rational, and had a good "healing protocol" at home, so she released me to return home, with the caveat: "you MUST come back if your breathing becomes difficult".

I spent the next several days at home, treating my temperature with acetominophen, checking my oxygen levels on the "Oximeter" I'd ordered online; 2-3x/day I also lightly jumped on a little indoor trampoline and did some deep breathing - all to keep the left lung healthy, and hopefully activate the lymphatic system. However, on day 14, I couldn't seem to get my temperature down very much, from 102.4. I was feeling pretty bad, and had a pain in my right ribs. After talking to several RN/friends, and a doctor back east who works with the CDC.....Out of concern that the breathing would get WORSE, and the possibility that the pneumonia had moved to the right lung (thankfully, it had NOT - more on that, later) - I went back to the ER in Northridge about 9pm in the evening.

Since I had found out that a friend I'd interacted with had since been diagnosed positive for Covid-19, I told the ER people that, and in combination with my obvious shortness of breath - I was given several tests, including the test for Covid-19 and was admitted to the hospital. Care at Northridge Dignity Health was excellent, and although I'd been told by friends and the nurses themselves that I'd be isolated "most of the time" - they checked on my every few hours, and I did not feel truly "alone" very much. I was surprised that eating more "solid food" seemed helpful to my intestinal troubles, as I'd been mostly drinking chicken soup and health shakes for a week. I had developed a "viral rash" on my stomach and back, and the nurses applied creme to soothe that. (Another "a-typical" symptom). Thankfully, the pneumonia had not changed in the five days – another good sign that my body was fighting the virus.

I am deeply grateful, for the many friends who were reaching out, and encouraging me/loving me through the whole process - and continue to!

Day 16

The doctor in charge of my floor asked me some questions about care at home, how I was feeling, etc - and concluded that if I wanted to return home and continue care for myself, while awaiting results of the Covid-19 tests, I could do that. I jumped at the chance - in particular because I was told it could be 3-5 days before results would come back, and "one person had been waiting for 8 days". Apparently, the body had started winning the fight against this "unrecognized" and unwelcome guest, as I see it, and so my temperature normalized. It's been slightly "subnormal" since Saturday (96.8-97.4), and each day, most of the symptoms have reduced in intensity. Sunday, the doctor called me to confirm that I did in fact have the virus

I’m told that after 72 hours without an elevated temperature, the virus is no longer contagious, but since I still have an occasional cough, and some other symptoms remain - I remain in physical isolation. Healing a bit more, each day. It's the general consensus that one cannot catch THIS particular virus again....when it mutates that's another matter - most likely in a year. Till then, I kinda like the name "Antibody Man".

So, for those who asked, that is MY experience; I would not make ANY suggestions or assess anyone else's experience of this virus.

Some of the things I've been doing: breathing the steam of clove, oregano & eucalyptus; lots of vitamin C, D, zinc, magnesium, as well as a multi-vitamin. I also took apple cider vinegar, CBD oil, colloidal minerals, Echinacea/Goldenseal. After the hospital, I added Activated charcoal (to help with gas), a Healthy Lung formula, as well as the "Levofloxacin" (antibiotic), "Acyclovir" (anti-viral for rash, etc), as well as an Expectorant, to thin the mucus - (helps to make coughs more productive).

I continued taking my antiviral, antibiotic medications, as well as various herbs, vitamins, etc, and do some light exercise and deep breathing. My oxygen levels remain good: 93-97%. The healing is not linear, in my experience, but is in an Upward Trend, certainly. I wish it were faster, but this is likely to take awhile, and I'm grateful to be through the worst of it. MANY people obviously have had it much worse than I....

For ME, it's made a difference to try to keep a sense of humor; and also, to receive and to try to "take in" the outpouring of caring, concern and love: I will continue to learn from that aspect of this illness.
This world crisis will affect each of us differently, and while these are tremendously challenging times....I believe that we have the opportunity to slow down, to reassess what's most important to us, and to take actions to protect ourselves and our loved ones....while looking at our OWN lessons, and growing - physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually."

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