Illuminated Perfume has been featured on the Greenfeet pod-cast! Valerie Reddemann Founder/President of Greenfeet along with her Co-host Dori bring you the "More Hip Than Hippie" Podcast. This show has an interview with Ken Grossman, the owner of the Sierra Nevada Brewery Company as well as several other environmental news, tidbits and earth friendly products. Be prepared, they are a bit wacky.
Valerie and I studied Aromatherapy together. Her company Greenfeet began online in 1997 and is now a brick and mortar store in Chico along with her uber successful web store.
Here is a link to the More Hip Than Hippie Podcast and one to the Greenfeet website.
Start saving money, energy and your sanity. Greenfeet is here to make your path to living green and sustainable lifestyle easy and fun.
Very green and very cool!
Roxana Illuminated Perfume™
Dearest Roxy,
When I was a little girls, I read a book called the boy with green finger - all he touched became full of plants and herbs. i loved it! But I never heard of the green feet society!
Hello Simone,
The book about the boy with the green finger sounds intriguing, was it by a Brazilian author? Here we had a book about a man with a Gold Finger.
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