Saturday, April 25, 2009

Earthly Delights

I decided to go sit outside in the glorious sunshine while drinking my tea to air out the ol'factory a bit. Well, the splendor of the day soon captivated me and I found myself sucked into garden work. Slowly, but surely, I have been removing the non-native plants and putting in California natives. It's turned into quite a journey which has spurred on five botanical perfumes inspired by the California landscape. More are in the works, along with a bizillion other projects. There's no lack of creative flow in this little woodland house let me tell you.

Today I tended to the newly plant ceanothus and sages. Holding a strong intention that they will take hold. California native gardening is tricky at the start, I've regrettably lost quite a few plants. The ones that have really taken hold are those that I see when walking amongst the chaparral here in the woods. They are Artemisia californica (California sagebrush) and Salvia apiana (White sage)...and my goodness the aromatics of these two plants is heavenly! The native roses, other varieties of sages, manzanita and artemisias all seem to be doing well. Keeping my fingers crossed on the ceanothus....that one has been the most challenging and I am not giving up yet.

Finally emerging from the front slope with dirt crusted shoes I found Greg painting! He hasn't painted in I don't know how long. Almost all Borg now, he creates his imagery digitally, whether it's for film or a comission. What has brought him out of his digital cave is a gloriously drafted large scale drawing he created while on assignment with Mike Tyson. Greg has decided to sell as the pieces he created for the Sports Illustrated commission. This large scale drawing has been mounted down on gator board and is now being remastered. The image he is working on is not available so I am putting in this image from the cover of has a similar feel.

Ah, the smell of oil piant and turpentine!

The article he wrote about his experience with Mike Tyson is available at his Etsy shop, here's a link: SpalenakArt on Etsy.

In other news, I came across an inspiring article this morning in the NY Times, enjoy!
Into-the-Woods Effect in a Well Tended Plot, NY Times

If you have not yet contributed a suggestions to the Earth Solid Perfume Name Game, there's still time. Make sure to read the comment by the editorially excellent Nathan Branch.
Thank you Nathan, I feel like this blog has been blessed by your beautiful word smithing.

Both images are ©Greg Spalenka, and

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