Friday, December 18, 2009

The Circle: The Sea Shore's Flower

Walking through the grove of perfume blogs a few years ago, the aroma of flowers and leaves lining my path, a fine golden ray illuminated a passage. With hurried footsteps I followed the beam to discover Perfume Shrine.

This blog is one of my very favorite perfume reads due to the writers devotion to history, beauty and what sometimes she refers to as "nerdy" details. I myself have a bit of that nerdy side and really get into all those interesting historical facts. Combine this with beauty and perfume, wah-lah I am toast, just as was Marc Antony when he walked on board Cleopatra's fragrant barge.

Thus, on this auspicious Venus day, please embark with us as we sail to Greece and visit Helg at Perfume Shrine.

Images: ADVENTure blogging banner by Roxana Villa.

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