"The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say,
but what we are unable to say."
~ Anais Nin
~ Anais Nin
This quote by one of my heroines is true of all the arts. While in Austria a few years back a very representational painter said that the colors in my paintings did not occur in real life. At the time I thought, what an odd statement. In hindsight I see it was perfectly appropriate for "his" perspective as one who strives to represent exactly what he sees.
In art school, while drawing pre-Columbian artifacts at the Natural History Museum I came to realize that non representational work stirred me more than photo real work. I can appreciate the level of mastery in depicting something to look as real as possible, but to me there is a lack of soul contained in the expression.

I suppose it has to do with mystery. For some it is very mysterious to be able to draw or paint an object to look photo real. For me, it lies more in the energetics that the object or image is imparting. Not to say only primitive works hold this type of endowment. Works of the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood and my husband Greg Spalenka are some of my favorite representational artists. Must be that romantic element, sure to seduce someone with a Pisces Moon and Venus in Libra.
I have been re-organizing my notes for upcoming presentations at art schools and institutions all over the world. Once I have the schedule I will post it here, just in case you'd like to stop by for a visit. I'd love to meet the readers of this journal in person.
Old engraving on parchment Roxana Villa, "Silence" cropped painting ©Greg Spalenka
I wonder if the same is true of your fragrant sensibilities; I bet you prefer a composition that is not representational of any real thing on earth to verisimilitude. Thought-provoking...thanks
As I wrote this post I was thinking about that exact thing. I would rather be among the vitality of Plumeria flowers in Hawaii than inhaling a replica of the aroma, even if it were composed from botanical essences. However, when you cannot travel to a desired space a fragrance can certainly take one there.
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