"The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men - from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
~Oliver Wendell Holmes

A very happy, happy day to all the mothers in the world! In the photo above is my mother as a little girl with my grandmother Anna on the beach in Mar del Plata, Argentina. These are the two representatives of "mother" in my life. I'm so grateful for their influence and guidance. Although my grandmother is no longer on planet earth in physical form her memory is very strong in my psyche. Love these two women immensely. oxoxoxo
We celebrated Mothers Day on Saturday instead of Sunday by going up to Ojai, visiting friends and playing while taking in the aroma of lavender, sage and ocean breezes.
Images: Antique postcard from my great grandmothers collection circa 1900, photograph of my grandmother, grandfather, uncle Alfredo and mother circa 1940.
Happy Mother's Day Rox! I love that photo of your mother and family. Beautiful!
Thank you dear Trish, my fellow Queen bee. Intending you had a magnifiscented day! oxox
Wow! That is an amazing photograph! I just love it! Happy Mothers day to you Roxana! I hope that it was wonderful!
All my love to you, Greg and Eve
Beth, a very happy, happy day to you to sweets! MWAH x 2
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