Sunday, April 21, 2013

Loved into Being

 "A garden, where one may enter in and forget the whole world, cannot be made in a week, 
nor a month, nor a year; it must be planned for, waited for and loved into being."
~ Ancient Chinese Proverb

Today I am continuing work on the Figure 1: Noir LookBook. Tomorrow is Earth and Honey Bee Awareness Day which will find me at the Backwards Beekeepers booth at Santa Monica College from 3- 5pm, in their brand new Organic Learning Garden.

Here in our native plant woodland garden the sacred white sage (Salvia apiana) is blooming along with many others and the spectacular Matilija poppies (Romneya coulteri) have big bulbs ready to open soon.

Back when we removed all the non native invasive plants from our yard and decided to plant natives we didn't know what we know now. So much learning comes from doing. The reason our native garden has been so challenging is first our own limitations back then of understanding native plants and how they grow. The other two factors which took awhile to figure out is that the front slope besides being clay soil also contains large amounts of fill and some toxins given off by the non native eucalyptus tree roots. Slowly but surely, with determination, the front slope is finally starting to take shape. We still have more planting to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am back reading posts having missed a few (I dont facebook, is there a way I can have them sent? Ive tried the various links to ways on the right & just ended up with a pickle).

Anyway, re native gardens: it's amusing from Australia to see the gum trees being the nasties for once. Do you distinguish between native & indigenous? We've started planting only what is meant to be in this little region, and it's even more fun than just generally native.

I am enjoying your pinterest boards by the way (& follow some under yet another fake name - a nom de pin, as it were).