Thursday, October 31, 2019

An Incandescent Power

"Think of yourself as an incandescent power,
illuminated and perhaps forever talked to 
by the Goddess and her messengers."
~ Amended quote by Brenda Ireland

As we spiral into Samhain, the final turn of the Great Solar Wheel of the Year, the light from the sun diminishes, and cooler temperatures arrive. Nature perceives this as a lullaby. Trees display their new cloaks of vivid color and the hive of the honey bee begins to contract.

Samhain is a time to journey inward for contemplation—our awareness becomes heightened to the ongoing cycle of life and death. Just like the leaves on trees, the time is ripe to let go of what no longer serves, this can be done with a simple ritual, such as writing a letter to the shadow self, or in some cases "selves".

The most conspicuous symbols of the season, and this day here in modern western culture, are sinister creatures of the underworld. Goblins, zombies, skeletons, ghosts, black cats are all emblems of the shadow side which serve as a nemesis to test our commitment to our will forces.

At this time of year we engage our courage and strive to conquer over the darker forces of our lower energies and chakras. On the Emerson Waldorf School website I found a nice little piece which sums this up succinctly:

"The strong, willful iron of Michael’s sword acts as an antidote to this desire to fall asleep and goads us to face the feeling of emptiness before the dying world of nature. It is this spirit of resolve and inner warmth that we seek to carry with us as we begin the school year." 1

Thus light a candle and remember who you are as we courageously move into this new phase. My friend Joy, a grief counselor here in Santa Fe, suggests writing a letter saying all the things you want to say, uncensored, the good, the bad and the ugly. Then burn it and toss the ashes into running steam of water, practically, flushing then down a toilet bowl will do. Out with the old, in with the new. Witches new year! Set your intention and petition that the chapter described in your letter is closed with grace and ease.

While studying aromatherapy in the nineties I made a "Will Force" blend that included elemi, grapefruit and thyme. I have revised this synergy and made it into an anointing balm. The intention is to use it like a natural perfume of Michael's sword to give yourself courage and resolve as needed, the blend includes three types of Frankincense. Stay tuned for the listing on my website.

Further Samhain related posts: Fires at Tlachtga

1 Emerson Waldorf School, Festivals
Images, photos & text ©Roxana Villa

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