Here we are again, at another turn of the great wheel which leads us into the light. This celebration goes by many names including Saturnalia in ancient Rome and Yuletide. The words
winter solstice translate in Latin to sun stand still. The word Yule means wheel. The concept of rebirth is the main theme throughout different cultural celebrations, referring to the rebirth of the sun god. Winter Solstice Festivities date far back to the ancient civilizations, when human celebrations centered primarily on the planets and shifting seasons. Originally called “Sol Invictus” honoring the return of the sun. Festivals and celebrations include dancing, feasting, gathering, evergreens and illumination. Psychologically these festivities help keep our inner flame lit as we move through the darker part of the year. The light and warmth from celebratory fires and heartfelt gatheings facilitates the rekindling of our own internal flame during a time when “winter blues” may set in due to cold, damp weather and darkness.
Intending divine Merry Making for each of you
Photo above was taken during a trip to Prague, City of Alchemy & Magic. Astrological Clock ©Roxana Villa
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