I am a lover of all things synchronisitc and when it occurs I pay attention. Last week I taught my bi-annual introduction to Aromatherapy class. One of the students begged to whiff distilled essence of carrot seed. I joyfully obliged, for it is a good one for massage therapists to become familiar with and I adore the scent. The following day, while scanning images from old books, I came across some really lovely engravings of root vegetables, including carrots. The beets were particularly attractive and caught my eye. I bookmarked the page to scan when timing was more expansive. In the meantime I inhaled deeply my C02 extraction of carrot seed. I pondered all its aromatic wonders through the spectrum of perfume and aromatherapy. That evening as I opened my copy of
Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins I read...
"The carrot symbolizes financial success; a promised, often illusory reward. A carrot is a wish, a lie, a dream. In that sense, it has something in common with perfume. A beet, however...a beet is a proletarian, immediate, and in a thoroughly unglamorous way, morbid. What is the message a beet bears to a perfumer? That his chic, elitist ways are doomed? That he might profit from a more natural, earthy straightforward approach? This beet, this ember, this miner's bloodshot eye, this apple that an owl has pierced, is it a warning or friendly advice?"
I'm really enjoying the book, to say the least, and highly recommend it to all. It has, of course, a specific appeal to those with an obsession for fragrance. However, it is so well written and funny that everyone will enjoy. As when I discovered "Perfume, The Story of a Murderer" I am perplexed I did not pick this book up before. Oh well, all in perfect timing.
We currently have no essential oil, absolute or C02 extraction of beet, as far at I know. We do an abundance of seed and root essences, but nothing from "the miner's bloodshot eye." Imagine the color of beet essential oil

, it would most likely be a beautiful deep maron. There does exist beet root powder and that could easily be tinctured. Hmmm, yet one more item to add to the ever expanding list of ideas and things to tincture!
Greg has been on a fresh, raw juice kick. So every Saturday at the farmers market we load up on beets, carrots, cucumbers, apples, parsley, etc. I'm partial to the oval shaped beets from McGrath Family Farms, they are particularly delicious steamed and served with fresh goat cheese and olive oil.
McGrath Family FarmsRoxana Illuminated Perfume™Old engraving images above have been scanned, cleaned up and placed onto old sheets of parchment via Photoshop, ©RoxanaVilla.
Ahh, two books I would also recommend. This was an interesting post...one I could relate to. I love the rich color of beets and just reading your comment of "beautiful deep maron" makes me smile.
If you really have the passion for it you will find more
I'm smiling along with you blossomingtree. A few friends sent me private e-mails about this post. I love tapping into the stream of consciousness, it promotes that feeling of "ONE".
Thank you Eddy, more indeed!
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