“All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of yesterday”
~ Unknown
One of the many seeds I have scattered along the path has sprouted. As an independent business owner that’s what we do, distribute those little embryos out into the world. We fertilize with intention that the little seed, we planted with love, will one day mature into a beautiful and fragrant plant.
In due time, with faith, one or more seedlings will appear. It's happened that some finally sprout, yet, take an inordinate amount of earth time to grow. That's when yoga, meditation and all those other little saplings to tend to come in handy. The worst is planting a precious seed in the wrong soil or climate. However, when you get it right, it makes such a difference.
For my birthday, about six years ago, Ben gave me a lovely hibiscus shrub. With care I planted it in the ground once the weather had cooled a bit. I made sure I put it in a wire cage to protect its roots from our ravenous gopher population. That little hibiscus struggled for years. This past spring I put it into a pot to get the hillside ready for all the native plants we are putting in. The hibiscus in the meantime has doubled in size with huge, beautiful blossoms on a daily basis.
A good example of right soil for the right plant. In the meantime, the native plants are quite happy in that same soil with very little watering, no soil amendments, no pesticides and no fertilizers.
The plant kingdom is so generous with its wisdom.
Image above: Roxana’s Seeds©Roxana Villa. The illustration began as a pencil drawing and then slowly developed into the more flushed out idea of the seed packet.
Roxana Illuminated Perfume™
"The worst is planting a precious seed in the wrong soil or climate."
I have learned this the hard way, at the expense of what could have been lovely, lush plants.
Btw, I don't recall if I came back on and told you, but several months ago I posted a comment here and your response prompted me to do a little research into native plants in my area. I've learned so much in this short time and I probably wouldn't have taken the time to explore if it weren't for your comment. So I thank you very much! Isn't is funny how we can find inspiration in the most unexpected places?
Yes, I remember Blossoming Tree. How wonderful!!! One of the reasons I am creating the native garden here at our home and studio is to inspire others to do the same.
Thank you for your note.
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