"Truth in perfume does not exist,
unless one means by that the transient state of coincidence of a scent with our soul,
which means that there are as many truths as there are souls."
unless one means by that the transient state of coincidence of a scent with our soul,
which means that there are as many truths as there are souls."
Jean-François Blayn from Dictionnaire du langage parfumé

Natural perfumers today continue in this tradition using both animal, plant based “natural essences”, and isolates, however, the word natural is loosely defined. Thus, the use of animal ingredients such as those mentioned above (ambergris, musk pods, civet and castoreum) are often employed.

The botanical perfume artist practices integral perfume, working to create beauty through the expression of pure plant extractions within the paradigm of sustainability and health.
I originally published this here at the journal, since then I've made a few small edits and am republishing as I've noticed quite a bit of confusion as to what defines a botanical perfume. If you are concerned about what is in an aromatic product I highly recommend asking the perfumer or perfume corporation what specifically they are using with the perfume. For example, if you would prefer not to use a perfume which contains the secretions of a tortured cat, then ask if civet is utilized. Also, one should be aware that the large perfume conglomerates are a bit like the tobacco companies in the 1950's. (Anyone here watch Mad Men?) History shows us that money can employ creative techniques, tactics and advertising to tell a His Story. Which leads us full circle to where we began.
"Truth in perfume does not exist,
unless one means by that the transient state of coincidence of a scent with our soul,
which means that there are as many truths as there are souls."
unless one means by that the transient state of coincidence of a scent with our soul,
which means that there are as many truths as there are souls."
Images: At top Sierra Liquid Perfume, followed by old black and white engravings that I have cleaned up and placed on parchment using Photoshop.
I am also a botanical perfumer, and I appreciate and respect your time and devotion to the subject. To define and explain it so succinctly to the consumer as well as to the beginner.
Tara of Redolence Perfumes
A fascinating exploration of the natural world of perfumery. thanks so much for your wonderful article, and congratulations on your etsy feature!
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