"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."
~ Maya Angelou
The sphere is vibrating with threads of serenity today on the International Day of Peace. Aligned in a harmony of peace, a merry band of bloggers has joined together to share thoughts and impressions of Peace and the new botanical perfume devoted to Peace. At the bottom of this post please follow the links to each of the blogs participating.
{ The Nature of Peace }

At a cocktail party in the Hollywood Hills the a couple weekends ago, the hostess asked me how things were going with my perfumes. I shared that I had a new perfume inspired by Peace about to be released. The handsome fellow standing next to her chuckles and asks, "Will it have marijuana in it?" I answered, "No, put we do have an essential oils of hemp." From there the conversation traversed into the current news worthy topic of marijuana. I suppose if the idea had occurred to me earlier I could have woven some of the more herbaceous notes with the hemp for the peace perfume, but, then we would have Vera!
Let's back track a bit, the new fragrance came into being out of an intent to help a friend manifest his vision of an annual worldwide telecast concert of Superstar musicians performing Sacred Music from the most mystical concert venues on the planet: Egypt's Great Pyramids, England’s Stonehenge, Australia's Ayers Rock, Peru's Inca Pyramids, Japan's Mount Fuji, and California's Mount Shasta. His vision has not yet been realized. I intend that this perfume will facilitate the birth of this glorious idea, just as the perfume Q facilitates manifesting consciousness for the California coastal live oaks.

My husband, Greg, dived into the project first by creating an image for the campaign. He collaborated with Tibetan master Romio Shrestha to create a stunning image that is reminscent of the sixties era yet still modern. Since this was to be the illumination for the new perfume we selected the a shade of burgundy from my color palette which was also in Greg's image the image. Purple was the other possibility but I have two other fragrances with that color resonance already in the line, thus burgundy.
As I contemplated creating this perfume my first thoughts went to the essences from my studies in Aromatherapy which evoked a sense of peace. The first ones to come to mind were:
- Cedarwood
- Chamomile
- Citrus essences like Bergamot, Orange, Tangerine and Neroli
- Frankincense
- Geranium
- Lavender
- Marjoram
- Sandalwood
- Ylang Ylang

From there I began to explore the terrain of Incense. The word perfume comes from the latin, per “through” and fumus “smoke”, thus “through smoke." Aromatic, sweet smelling smoke is a religious and spiritual practice used as a means to transport our intent to the heavens. This idea felt good. I have done quite a bit with incense and smoke in my perfume line, I knew it would need to transcend what I had done in the past. I also knew I wanted to add one or all three of the Lotus essences available because Greg's image featured a Goddess sitting on a Lotus.
At a fund raiser for Project Peace on Earth I introduced the idea to a large group and had them give me feedback on about ten different essences including:
- Champa
- Frankincense
- Jasmine
- Neroli
- Rose
- Sandalwood
- White Lotus

The essences that seemed to get the biggest response were Champa, Sandalwood, Neroli and White Lotus. Thus, I placed each of those into my minds cauldron and meditated on how to orchestrate the perfume. Many of the essences utilized are exotic and precious. The cost of raw materials for a natural botanical perfumer are exorbitant. Mindfulness is required when working with some of these divas to coax them into a harmonic resonance.

Botanical perfume is a necessary luxury. By supporting botanical perfume one then supports organic agriculture and small independent labor all over the planet. True botanical perfumery cannot be a mass market, inexpensive commodity. This is due to the cost of the raw materials combined with the skills of farmers, distillers and the artisans who then craft the final elixir. The main benefit is that the individual who decides to support botanical perfume is then supporting a host of fabulous, interconnected industries like organic farming, bee keeping, handmade, indie business, and the arts. Each of these represent part of ancient systems that are important to foster and continue to cultivate. Botanical perfume brings together the old with the new in such a way that supports the whole.
With the concept of the concert in mind, I orchestrated the fragrance like a symphony with three complex chords of base, middle and top notes. Each chord contains up to seven different notes. The top chord features Neroli with supporting citruses and a few spice notes. The middle chord is the most complex with over thirteen individual essences featuring Champa supported by both White and Blue Lotus. The base is a very rich, earthy chord with Tobacco and Vanilla. There are over thirty pure, plant essences combined in organic, food grade, grape and grain alcohol in the liquid perfume extract.

In keeping with the vision of Project Peace on Earth the perfume contains essences from each continent, including locations close to the sacred sites for the performances. Greg is working with me on a pictorial image that will illustrate this concept.

A percentage of proceeds from the sale of the 7 gram flacon and solid perfume compact support Project Peace of Earth

The perfume is also available as a solid perfume unguent, as well as pure, botanical liquid perfume extract in a variety of sizes, all available at my shop at Illuminated Perfume at Etsy.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
~ Jimi Hendrix
~ Jimi Hendrix
I am giving away one .25 gram sample of the liquid perfume and one solid mini sample. Please leave a comment here on at the journal to be entered. If you prefer the liquid over the solid or vice versa please let me know.
"Peace begins with a smile." ~ Mother Teresa
Please migrate over to all the writers who have contributed to this vibrating web of peace today. Each one of them have a very distinctive and beautiful voice. I am brought to my knees in gratitude for the opportunity to weave this magic web with every single one of them.
The PEACE Blog-o-rama
Bitter Grace Notes: Maria
Bitter Grace Notes: Ida
Examiner, Cleveland: Beth
Examiner, Portland: Donna
Indie Perfume
Memory and Desire
Perfume Shrine
Perfume Smellin' Things
Scent Hive
The Non-Blonde
To be entered in the Peace perfume draw please leave a comment on this by October 1st indicating that you are entering the giveaway.
This is a lovely idea -- good smells can connect people of all types. I came to your blog through the memory & desire posting and am glad I did. I'll keep checking in and wish you best of luck with this project!
What a fantastic project...am enjoying reading the various bloggers impressions...
Have been looking through your treasures at Etsy; how can we order options other than the 7gram liquid?
Hi Eileen, thank you for popping on over from Memory and Desire. I am so thrilled that Heather is back to writing. The world is definitely a richer place because of it!
Hello dear,I am glad to hear you are enjoying the project. We really should direct the gratitude to Beth who came up with the idea...I am only the facilitator.
Yes, I need to add the .25 and 1 gram bottles to my Etsy listing. I'll be posting that soon. Thanks for the reminder!
Beloved sister-
I'm so honored by your invitation to participate; the solid came today ;-)
[I assiduously avoided peeking at anyone's work beforehand, to insure no outside influences and my integrity !]
From your's, Greg's, and all helping hands-
To the Ear of the Divine, my friend.
Gorgeous work, and truly love's labors !
Be inscribed in the Book of Life for a Sweet, Healthy, Peaceful New Year.....
Hi Roxana,
I've looked at your site/blog many times but not gotten around to ordering samples yet. Please enter me in the draw for a sample of the Peace scent. Spices, flowers, woods, tobacco...sounds great! Solid or liquid would be equally good for me.
Roxana, I cannot tell you how wonderful the samples are, this perfume is truly a work of Art. Thank you for allowing me to experience it!
Donna (Flora)
Roxana, You really do radiate through all that you do. Both my husband and I are delighted by your perfume for peace. I've worn it two days in a row now, and it's amazing how long the citrus remains in the melody. It wears very peppery on Jason and very honeyed on me. It's quite a chameleon. Truly, it's marvelous.
Thank you so much for including me in this event. I don't think it could have happened more perfectly.
... And have you noticed how easily, how effortlessly poetry lends itself to this project? I am in awe, and so delighted to be amongst such a chorus of poetry-lovers!
I would love to sample it, and I'd be happy to share on my blog.
What an incredible pleasure yesterday was.....I had so much fun working on this with you and everyone else... Being community...I just loved it.
All my love to you darling one and very much looking forward to future incredibly scented adventures!
I've loved reading about your project through the lens of each of the blogs you invited to participate in sharing their thoughts. I'd love the chance to win a sample, and would prefer the liquid version over the solid. Thank you!
Chaya, my dear and luminous one, such a treat to read your words in the Circle of Peace we created. Thank you so much for being part of with us all!
Happy Holy days.
Hi Charlotte, thank you for dropping in. My best of luck to you with winning one of the samples of the new fragrance.
Flora, this has been such a pleasure.
I am in so much gratitude for your participation and eloquent words.
Heather, I have deeply missed you and the prose you add to the perfume blogosphere. I am thrilled that this little adventure worked out so auspiciously!
I treasure the inspired words, from each blog post that was part of this to each and every comment. It's been a delicious ride!
Karin, thank you so much, best of luck!
Beth, you are just like Greg's Blessings painting carrying the cornucopia of delights with your enchanting words. I so appreciate this circle and all the ripples that go out from here into the vast universe. Now let's go running with those wolves!
Hi Amy, it's a pleasure to enter you in the draw. Thanks so much for stopping in and reading the different perspectives on Peace.
Your "Peace" perfume is just beautiful! Rich, deep, ancient, and mysterious, it makes me feel calm and serene! Should be mandatory wearing during peace negotiations! Send some to Obama, you never know!
Hi Roxana
This is Perfuming with Intent at its greatest! Just wonderful!
I'm thinking Dr Emoto and his water experiments, but replace the water with your wonderful perfume! :-)
All the best,
Hi Laurie, thanks so much for popping in here and sharing your impressions!
Holly, yes, I adore Dr. Emoto, great analogy.
Since moving from your end of the valley I don't get to stop by and sniff the new blends. Not one to participate in giveaways, but this project is irresistible, not just for the fragrance but the intention.
Well, it sounds just marvelous. I am all about herby, spicy scents.
I, too, am glad I came across your post.
You are promoting a very worthy cause and I applaud you for it! Thanks for a chance to try the solid form of the perfume.
I love your thought process in making and coming up with the scents...Wonderful! Have a great weekend!
I'm very impressed! This sounds quite lovely!
I'd like to enter! It sounds so lovely.
What a lovely giveaway my fingers are crossed I'd love to win. I prefer the liquid perfume to solid. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.Helen
I've never tried solid perfume, but I'd love to, especdially with such an interesting sounding scent!
gemini5757 at hotmail.com
I'd love to enter the giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Interesting post and gorgeous pictures :)
Please enter me for this fab givveaway!
Please enter me, I bet it smells amazing! :)
jrerwin6 at gmail dot com
I would love to sample this perfume,and I don't really have a preference of liquid or solid.
Please enter me! It sounds amazing! Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
Thanks so much for the fabulous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Sounds Neat and would like to smell it too!
How Unique! teresa@thesoapcorner.com
I just checked out your site and I your perfumes seem so elegant and soft. Thank you for this nice giveaway and please count me in
Nice perfumes
I have never tried a solid perfume but would love to.
lkish77123 at gmail dot coml
Roxana, late to leave a comment.....but thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of this bogging event!
I will leave an update on my post to inform my readers of the giveaway...will Tweet too!!
I loved hearing the process behind creating your fragrance! Very, very cool. I have no preference - I enjoy solid and liquid perfumes.
♥ melaniesands[at]yahoo[dot]ca
Sounds like a wonderful scent. I would love to sample your solid. I can always use a a little extra peace!
I would love to sample your solid perfume!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Peace is beautiful, Roxana, both in spirit and design, and I would love to be entered in the drawing.
Thank you from your friend in SM.
<3 Peg
Your perfumes look so divine! I really hope for the opportunity to try them!
Hi Roxana, please enter me into the draw for sample of Impressions of Peace. I'd love to try it as it sounds divine (vintage mysore sandalwood - how exquisite).
I love reading your blog and would like to be entered in your drawing for the perfume sample. Thanks!
StefaniePaglinco at hotmail
please enter me in the giveaway!
i love fragrances but have been alarmed to learn about the additives and synthetics used in most perfumes--always on the lookout for great *natural* perfumes. and yours look amazing!
sounds wonderful-please enter my name in giveaway, the solid sounds good to me
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Great giveaway - please enter me! I've never tried solid perfume before!
smrtmouse at yahoo dot com
It sounds amazing Roxana! I'm really excited about this one and can't wait to try it! I love that you used lotus blossoms as the focal point in the scent and image. It's one of my favorite comfort scents and they have such beautiful history and symbolism. I wish you much success in your promotion of Peace, the scent and the movement. Peace, love, and all that good smellin' stuff:) ~Wen
Great project. I would like to be entered.
jswandrn @ gmail.com
Thank you for everyone who participated in the giveaway. The winners are Linda K and Charlotte Vale!
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