During the Sniffapalooza Fall Ball of 2008 Greg and myself finally had the opportunity to meet the shining soul behind the voice, Ida Meister. How blessed we were then and how blessed we are now that she has so generously agreed to share her wit with each of us here this day.
Blessings, and thanks- are due to Roxana and Greg, for including me in their loving project.
Few couples live so very clearly that in which they believe, as these two do.
One physical meeting was NOT enough….
One physical meeting was NOT enough….
As a non-Christian by birth, and a pan-spiritual being , Advent may perhaps have a very different feel for me.
Does it portend a time of great joy ?
New beginnings ?
Light amidst the darkness, in a season of deep reflection, waiting, a resting, restorative phase ?
How brilliant of all religions, to utilize what was already firmly in place-
Saturnalia, Christmas, Chanukkah, many Eastern observances-
At this time of the year, when so many experience less daylight, a ‘drawing in’.
As a young child, Sir James Frazier’s The Golden Bough illuminated these practices for me, and demonstrated how universal our needs and desires are.
He was one of the very first to explore those similarities- long before Joseph Campbell, or Carl Jung
[two other beloved philosophers, btw !].
So, where does fragrance fit in ?
For many, like myself-
It increases the profundity of worship, by engaging all the senses.
Whether it be the use of ‘sacred naturals’- myrrhs, incenses, precious woods-
Or simply those spices used to purify and preserve food during the Middle Ages-
The fragrant world taps into our darkest, most plangent recesses.
I’m an old , unrepentant hippie fool, but nonetheless, scent moves my lizard brain and inner recesses deeply. It enables ongoing gratitude for that which is essentially noble, good, and restorative, especially during this season so fraught with deeper meanings and demons, too.
I feel anointed, and more in tune with myself and my world than any drug can achieve .
Connected with my forebears, beyond the scope of time and space.
May we all feel abundantly blessed, in this season- and all seasons to come.

Roxy has created several solid perfumes, which are perfect for gifts to give oneself and others ;-)
Compact, redolent of the real things in life, and infused with a lot of love.
It doesn’t get much better !
And , no.
Except for the bonds of friendship, no one pays me to say anything…
~ Ida Meister
Find Ida floating about the Perfume blogosphere dusting everyone with her magical fairy powder.
Images: ADVENTure blogging banner by Roxana Villa. "Rebirth" painting by Greg Spalenka, available at his shop on Etsy. Carl Jung image supplied by Ida.
Fabulously wise words from a magical fairy powder dusting individual par excellence. Thank you!!!
Beautifully done! An entry into your associative and lyrical mind...
Such a lovely voice in text and in real life! Art spirit deluxe!
I first heard of Sir James Frazier’s The Golden Bough when I read The Mist's of Avalon...must check it out. Thanks for the reminder.
I can't agree more re: the magically restorative power of perfume, dear Ida! Lovely meditation on how interconnected everything is this time of year.
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