In late 2008, while in the midst of filing the trademark on the word chaparral for my perfume by the same name, I received a phone call. It was a writer who was doing a piece for a magazine. She asked me lots of questions, which I answered most graciously. I didn't hear back until an e-mail a few months back. Seems the magazine was interested in revisiting the story but with a different angle.
The writer is the very talented Elizabeth Khuri Chandler and the magazine is C, for California. In the May 2010 issue I am mentioned in an article called Top Notes within the Beauty section of the sophisticated, glossy periodical. The sub heading reads..."A growing set of CA perfumers is bucking the trend of mass fragrance production with small-batch scents."

Congratulations Roxana, what fabulous publicity for your business!
Roxana, that is fantastic! Who knows what doors this may open!!
I LOVE that magazine, what a fabulous feature for you! Congrats!
Awesome! Congratulations!!
very exciting! congratulations!!!
Thank you everyone, I can feel the love! oxox
I'm still trying to track down a copy! So far, it's not available in Portland :-(
Congrats Roxie!!
Congrats Roxans this is fantastic! and well deserved
Oh, that is so fantastic Congrats and
I can only repeat,
well deserved!!!!!!
Wonderful! Congrats!
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