On Monday, March 21st the great seasonal wheel marked the Vernal Equinox for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. The Vernal or Spring Equinox also called Ostara and/or Mean Earraigh is a transition point as we move from the darker half of the year into the light.

The solid perfume of Green Witch was launched in harmony with the day the liquid was introduced exactly one year prior. Green Witch is an ode to the sea, the sacred watery depths where Tethys the aquatic sea goddess dwells. The orchestration of the solid formula follows the exact blueprint of the liquid, the only difference in raw materials is a base of pure, unfiltered beeswax and jojoba seed oil instead of organic grain alcohol. Rather than tinctures of plant matter, I have created infusions of seaweed and hawthorn boughs and flowers.
Read a few testimonials and comments from happy customers by following this link here at the journal.

Green Witch is inspired by the novel of the same name written by Susan Cooper. In the book the women of the community gather together to build the Green Witch as an offering to the great Oceanic deity, Tethys. Today three other woman gather with me to introduce the new solid format of Green Witch and offer sample draws along with their impressions of the fragrance. Please find links at the end of this post.
“Hazel for the framework, Rowan for the Head,
The body is of Hawthorne boughs and Hawthorne blossoms.”
~ Susan Cooper

Although the raw materials of the both versions of the fragrance are almost exact the base of beeswax and jojoba change the aromatic quality of the perfume. The result is a warm, creamy Green Witch with softer, honeyed edges. On my skin the Neroli becomes one of the main notes gently balanced by all the other elementals including flowers, woods and resins with notes of fern and the sea. For more on the orchestration please follow this link to a post that goes into more detail.The body is of Hawthorne boughs and Hawthorne blossoms.”
~ Susan Cooper

The illumination that corresponds with this natural perfume has been created digitally by Greg Spalenka. For those of you wishing for a full sensorial affect Greg is offering a limited edition of the image at his E-shop.

The other ladies participating are:
Each of us will offer one small sample of the solid perfume. In keeping with the GREEN aspect of this perfume, to enter the draw please share in your comment some thoughts about the preserving the environment and/or your favorite eco tip. This giveaway opportunity ends at 10pm PST on Sunday, April 18th
You must include your first name -or- etsy username AND email address with each entry or it will not be included.
For additional entries you can do any or all of the following, please leave a separate comment for each entry.
- 1 entry per day of the contest: Twitter this message: RT @RoxanaVilla is hosting a giveaway of GreenWitch! Visit http://bit.ly/ehkAoM for a chance to win
- 2 entries (total) - Blog about this giveaway, leaving the URL to the post in comments (1 blog per entrant, please)
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower at RoxanaVilla on Twitter
- 1 entry: Be or become a fan of IlluminatedPerfume on Facebook
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of this journal: IlluminatedPerfume
1. If we cannot contact you we will give your prize away to someone else.
2. Entries are organized and submitted into the "randomizer" for a winner.
3. Please don't make up any new guidelines, what is outlined above is what we follow.
Good Luck everyone!!
my eco tip is that i love to clean with vinegar... it smells much better than chemicals! jmmccarr@gmail.com - jacqueline
I became a fan on facebook! Thanks for the giveaway it sounds like an enchanting fragrance
This GreenWitch perfume sounds incredibly beautiful and I'd love to win a sample of it. Thanks so much for offering this giveaway, and for composing this gorgeous-sounding fragrance.
In keeping with the GREEN theme, and the watery theme, I've become far more aware of my use of water: careful with it, treasuring it, and honoring it by not being wasteful with it. ~ lisa e.
oops, i forgot to mention that i'm following RoxanaVilla on twitter! ~ lisa e.
Greenwitch sounds wonderful, and I love the illumination!
I switched to green cleaning and bath products about two years ago, and feel that at least I'm doing a tiny part of keep the waterways cleaner.
I am a fan on facebook.
Greenwitch sounds lovely, and I really like the illumination that illustrates it.
I switched to green cleaning and bath products about two years ago, and I feel that I'm doing a tiny part to keep the waterways clean.
I'm a follower on facebook.
Dear R, you have created a beauty again it seems, and the three posts are exceptionally rapturous. I think you put some love philtre in these perfumes as well, calming and bonding the wearer of the perfume to the beautiful essences and their composition all together. Such a brilliant concept, a natural marine chypre!
My favorite greening moment is that I stopped using all nasty chemicals for cleaning, as well as for laundry. However, I'm disappointed to see that this giveaway/draw has the requirement to publicly share a personal email address....
Hey there! My eco tip is that you can compost ANY old food or plant matter-- you can even compost fish and meat. Also you can re-use old newspaper to line underneath your garden to keep weeds out.
Mathaowny from Etsy, alyssa_oleary(at)rocketmail.com
Green Witch sounds wonderful and perfect for Spring!
i enjoy being green in every way i can,we like to shop at thrift stores for clothes,books and household items.
another tip of mine is to reuse boxes for shipping packages and i love all the cute reusable shopping bags they have available nowadays.
cyclona66 at aol dot com
i am a blog follower
cyclona66 at aol dot com
The best eco tip I can offer is to use organic cotton dishcloths instead of paper towels. It saves money, they're more beautiful, and organic cotton is much better for the environment.
My etsy name is knitnicoleknit. My email address is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
I tweeted the link from knitnicoleknit
My etsy name is knitnicoleknit, My email address is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
Shigenari I am happy to enter you in the draw without an e-mail addy, however, you will have to check in here to see if you won.
Hey Alyssa I have heard that one can only compost plant and vegetal matter because all other items can turn the compost into a festering mess. Can you post the link where you have read otherwise, I'm very interested!
staycelyne(etsy un)
My tip is to use cloth whenever possible for all disposable products. Or in general, don't buy disposable products.
hancoci_s at msn dot com
Great giveaway, I take the bus every where, never use plastic bags,or tinfoil,and shop at thrift store. Fingers crossed. Marian
I turned down my water heater and am taking showers that are a lot less. ambrerose at(aol) dot(com)
I don't often enter giveaways but your perfumes have always sounded so amazing and I would love to try some. (I have featured them 2x on my own blog in the past)
My ecotip: I am a gardener and I truly believe that growing a garden is one of the best ways you can learn compassion for our lovely planet. If you don't have anywhere to grow one get involved in a community garden, or start one of your own, or just grow a tiny one on a windowsill or porch.
I tweeted about your awesome giveaway, followed you on twitter and FB(as kootsac on twitter, morgenanne on FB). I have also subscribed to your blog which will be an absolute pleasure to read.
my etsy names are inkyspider and kootsac
After going without water in my house for nearly a month last year, I've become much more water-conscious! I never leave faucets running, even for a few seconds, if I'm not actively using the water!
so awesome Roxana!
i bike everywhere.. good for environment, good for me :)
dreamyvintage - dreamyvintage (-at -) gmail ( - dot - )com
what a very beautiful giveaway.
we support local farmers and choose organic, slow food products to honour and conserve our earth, and our bodies.
thanks for the chance!
And I follow your blog!
jen.s.chandler AT gmail DOT com
My name's Jennie, and my favorite eco tip is to grow a garden, even a teeny-tiny one like mine!
Hi Roxana! (Anna from ALD Designs, here) I'm loving my sample of Q! Just the tiniest of dabs has me smelling heavenly all day! Of course I'm jumping at a chance to test another! I'm a new blog follower and here is my email hummingbird3172 (at) aol.com.
We do lots of recycling here and we also use green cleaning products. :)
StitchesOfThePast - etsy name
I'm following this blog with GFC. :)
StitchesOfThePast - etsy name
I love taking reusable bags to the grocer's
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
twitter follower @Alliegal101
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Alliegal101/status/59438915077156864
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
following your blog via GFC
girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
I like to recycle old broken jewelry into my work, and also old clothing into new things.
I tweeted this giveaway!
I'm following you on Twitter!
I'm following your blog!
My eco-friendly tips are: using natural ingredients to clean such as baking soda, salt, vinegar, lemon juice. Always reuse and recycle items. I buy used clothes, shoes, etc. I joined a local Freecycle community where people give their unused items to other people who need it. Always use reusable shopping bags and always recycle trash.
Thank you for this giveaway.
ninajoleisa at gmail dot com
I tweeted:
ninajoleisa at gmail dot com
Following RoxanaVilla on twitter (@ninajoleisa)
ninajoleisa at gmail dot com
I follow your journal via GFC.
ninajoleisa at gmail dot com
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