With tremendous pleasure I begin this series with an inspirational muse I came across on Etsy. Her name is Nicole Morinec and her company and shop on Etsy is called Lillyella. Nicole creates gorgeous jewelry with a vintage flair. She joined the Etsy community in February of 2008 and already has over 2800 sales!!! The girl is a talented artist AND knows how to run a business, the perfect equation for success. Nicole has been spotlighted in the Etsy Handmade Blog called the Storque where she shares fabulous tips.
Besides being a highly talented jewelry artist she also has a very fun and informational blog. It's become quite clear to me that those with a background in the arts have an edge when they begin a business venture. Before launching her Etsy shop, Nicole was a graphic designer. You can see this in her attention to detail in both her jewelry creations, her website, product photos and packaging. In fact, I discovered Lillyella while building a treasury on Etsy. It was the beautiful photos of her wares that lured me in, just like a bee to honey.

The Bee Charmer earrings pictured at left I own with little topaz brown flower beads, instead of yellow. I adore them.
So, lets begin with a little interview:
1.) What is the one thing you find most inspiring to feed your creative spirit?
Oh boy, why am I struggling so with this question. I think the reality is that my creative spirit never really needs feeding, it's always overpowering everything else in my life. What is most hard for me is trying to shut it off for even a minute - if I have something else to do or when I'm trying to fall alseep especially. It's nearly impossible for me to focus on anything that doesn't involve creating - my mind just wanders to thoughts of the next project. I love it, and would never change that about myself, but it can be exhausting at times.
2.) What is your favorite scent from the natural world?
I'd have to say grapefruit. Does that count? I never eat the darn things but the smell - I've always loved it. Another would be lily of the valley. Reminds me of my mother and grandmother and days when life was 'simpler'.
3) If you were queen of a village what would you wish for your kingdom?
Wow, these questions are tough! I'm no beauty queen so I won't say world peace, though of course I think every queen would wish that. The one thing I keep coming back to is justice. I'm not sure our 'system' provides enough of that. True justice - getting what you deserve for what you did - plain and simple. And of course, I would be the one deciding what you deserve, since it is my kingdom and all.
4.) You are obviously both a very creative individual and business savvy, how do you balance both these aspects of yourself and your business?
Balance - that's a great word. Everyday I find myself wishing for more balance, though mostly with time and trying to fit in 'leisure'!
In regards to balancing my creative spirit with my business savvy, I'd have to say practice, experience and dedication.
I have really great parents who taught me a strong work ethic since the time I was young. They also allowed me to be creative and fall into what I was meant to do. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to pursue an artistic career (graphic design) which I was truly passionate about it. And because I was so passionate about it, I worked really hard to advance my career and get to a place I wanted to be. To do this, I really had to learn what it takes to make it in the business world, but still be a good artist, and it all just stuck with me. I feel lucky, actually, that I have both skills - I feel like it's a gift - and I know it has directly affected my success.
5.) Who is your favorite artist?
I've always had a few favorites:
- M.C. Escher. Not only did he have an amazing eye for pattern and composition but an amazing talent with his woodcuts
- Georgia O'Keeffe. I think this love needs no explaining.
- Salvador Dali. I generally lean towards realism which is why this is an odd favorite for me but I think the extraordinary lack of limitation in his imagination and how he translated it to paper is what always drew me in.

Now, onto dessert...the Giveaway! Please know that this has been completely inspired by Lillyella who, in my experience, is the QueenBee of the Giveaway.
The winner will have the chance to choose a piece from Nicole's shop, excluding limited run items
Here's how to enter:
Begin by leaving a comment on this post mentioning your favorite Lillyella design and some suggestions on what you would like to see more of in her shop. You can enter once per day and you must include your first name -and- etsy username or email address with each entry or it will not be included.
For additional entries, you can do the following and post in the comments to let me know:
(2 extra) Twitter this Giveaway
(3 extra) Follow my blog (if you already follow, just let me know)
(3 extra) Follow Lillyella's blog (if you already follow, just let me know)
If you do any of these you must let me know for your additional entries to be included.
You have until 9 am (pst) on Monday, March 30th to enter. I will announce the winner that Monday afternoon. Good luck!
My daughter Eve is a huge fan of Lillyella as well as a blogger, thus, I am allowing her to be join this giveaway contest. Instead of Eve picking out the name, this time we will have Maestro Gregorio choose the lucky winner.
If you do any of these you must let me know for your additional entries to be included.
You have until 9 am (pst) on Monday, March 30th to enter. I will announce the winner that Monday afternoon. Good luck!
My daughter Eve is a huge fan of Lillyella as well as a blogger, thus, I am allowing her to be join this giveaway contest. Instead of Eve picking out the name, this time we will have Maestro Gregorio choose the lucky winner.
etsy username: amymariebee
I cannot pick one single favorite in lillyella's store, but I love love love her "Fly Me to the Moon" earrings. I wouldn't presume to tell her what to make, because she makes such lovely things! But since I am not much of a bracelet wearer, more necklaces and rings would be nice!
By the way - I already follow Lillyella's blog, and I have just followed yours. 6 more entries would be much appreciated! :D
Ooh, I love a Lillyella giveaway! :D
My current favorite in her shop is the new Brass Bow Tie necklace--so sweet and simple.
I'd just love to see *more*--Nicole is so creative, and everything she comes up with is fantastic!
Etsy username: erinlyn
I follow the Lillyella blog, too.
I've got you down Amy. Thanks so much. I agree with you wholeheartedly...so hard to choose a favorite!
I am a proud owner of several Lillyella pieces. One item currently on my wishlist is the Blossom Cluster Necklace in siver.
I would like to see more pieces in silver.
Etsyname: cuterpie
I follow the Lillyella blog.
Etsyname: Cuterpie
Thanks for stopping on over Erin and Krista, your both in.
I love Nicole's work especially her new Garden Flutter Necklace! I love long earrings, so maybe have some that hang a little lower.
sszumski @ Etsy
**I follow her blog and yours, yay!!!**
Great interview! My favorite Lillyella piece (today - each day I want something different) is the French Rose Grenade necklace. I follow Lillyella's blog and will twitter this Feature and Giveaway! Yay! kate36ortiz
Got you down Sydney & Catherine! Thanks for the follow Sydney. Looks like we've all got a lotta love for Nicole and her glorious creations.
My etsy user name is DominiqueD..I follow Lillyella's blog and store, and I have to say I'm addicted!
I love her stuff!!
I guess some suggestions would be more lockets, with little flower beads or something...But I love everything so much! I really like the spring morning collection, along with all of the lilypad and lily stuff! Including the Nouveau lily and pearl necklace...I just can't pick!
I own many pieces from Nicole's shop, so it's really hard to pick one favorite. One piece I'm currently obsessed wiwth is the Blossom Cluster Necklace in silver.
I also follow the Lillyella blog. =)
Erika (erika.haire@verizon.net)
etsy username: cincodemaygirl (Laura)
I own several Lillyella pieces--all the Lily of the Valley series. Next to those, I think the silver leaf earrings are my favorites. I'd love to see more silver tone jewelry and more necklaces.
I already follow Lillyella's blog.
Next on my list to buy from Lillyella is the champaign pearls necklace...beautiful!
I tweeted the giveaway (http://twitter.com/jando_27), I follow your blog, and I follow Nicole's blog.
yay for 8 extra entries!
I love the moroccan moon necklace and would like to see more items made with lucite
I already follow Lillyella's blog
etsy- TartDeco
I am now following your blog
etsy- TartDeco
I love the NEW The Jaded Rose Bracelet.
alyssa_hammond7 at yahoo dot com
I follow Lilyella's blog.
alyssa_hammond7 at yahoo dot com
I love the Spring Morning necklace and the matching earrings.
I'd love to see her creations with copper and silver mixed.
etsy username-jrgrl
I tweeted.
I follow your blog.
I follow Lillyella's blog.
Dominque, Erika (ehaire), Laura (Cinco), Janelle, Steph (Tart Deco), Alyssa and Dixie...whew, thanks for coming by...got you all down. Thanks for the follows and stopping by!
I absolutely LOVE the Into The Blue Bracelet. Nicole has great designs and a really great selection. The only suggestion I have is to maybe offer a few higher end pieces with gemstones or semi-precious stones.
I am also a follower of the Lillyella blog.
~Nicole A.
My favorite Lillyella piece would have to be Nicole's unique and gorgeous carved rose bracelets. I own 4 different combinations and I never get sick of them. I *need* one in every color combination. I think I have 10 more in my future. It is an obsession, so I'm gonna say I'd like to see more carved rose bracelets!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Lillyella's jewelry is so beautiful, I fal in love with it every time I see it! I think my favorite is Climbing Roses Vintage Locket Necklace but everything she makes is gorgeous.
Esty: TwoKnit
Email: 108freckles@gmail.com
Very hard to pick a favourite..but I'll say her Waterlily Landing Necklace in silver tho I rather love ALL her bracelets as well!
As far as suggestions I'm just happy to see where her creativity leads her next :)
I also follow Lillyella's blog.
My ultimate fave is the Filigree Fleur Brass Ring =) awesome
katch05 at gmail dot com
My favorite piece (today) is the Nouveau Lily and Pearls Necklace. It will likely be my next purchase from her. Gorgeous. I would love to see Lillyella expand into some other accessories someday, i.e. eyeglass chains, key ring pieces, something pretty to clip onto my purse zipper, etc. I follow her blog and will twitter (on Twitter I am Panti Christ) this giveaway. thanks - kate36ortiz
My favorite Lillyella piece today is the Nouveau Lily and Pearl necklace. It changes daily though since everything is gorgeous.
I already follow Lillyella's blog and now follow yours.
I purchased the Brass Bow Tie Necklace a month or so ago and have yet to take it off! It's so simple yet unique and goes with everything.
I love all of the antique/vintage looking pieces like the Reversible Locket (gorgeous!) and the Brass Leaf Garland Bracelet.
I love the Nouveau Pearl earrings. I would love to see more beaded necklaces.
My favorite Lillyella piece is the bees, and I do follow her blog. She is very talented and so are you.
Day 2 - I also love the silver garden branch bracelet
I tweeted the giveaway (http://twitter.com/jando_27), I follow your blog, and I follow Nicole's blog.
Day 2: Another favorite Lillyella piece is the Filigree Fleur earrings that I'm wearing today. They are so much more beautiful in person plus they go with anything, dress them up or down.
I would love to see more beaded necklaces.
Another favorite of mine is the Silver Garden Branch Bracelet. I'd like to see more locket necklaces in her shop.
Erika (erika.haire@verizon.net)
I just recently found Nicole via twitter which lead me to her blog and etsy shop. I love her things and just bought 3 of them last week! 2 for my self and one as a gift. I would love to see necklaces made from the stone roses she uses in her bracelets. But, she does such beautiful work, I will most likely love everything she makes. :)
I wanted to let you know that I follow the Lillyella blog, extra credit please! :)
I wanted to let you know I twitter your wonderful giveaway!
So hard to pick a fave~there are several pieces I would love to own, but I keep going back to the Drop of Sunshine necklace! I love that so many of her designs are available in different metals, and would love to see more items in silver!
My etsy username is: deliriumerium
I follow lillyella and your blog also!
Today my fave in lillyella's etsy shop is into the blue bracelet.
I love all things birds so more jewelry with a bird theme would be nice.
Heidi (gumshoe0108@msn.com)
I love everything Nicole makes -- but right now I'm enamoured of the Spring DayFlower earrings and the Silver Garden Branch Bracelet. More bracelets please, Nicole. But mostly just do more of what makes your heart sing.
Nicole's Lilyella shop on etsy has been one of my faves since I signed up on Etsy. I subscribe to her newsletter. Now I'll get yours too, Roxana. Twitter-following both of you too.
I'd love to own one of Nicole's pieces -- and your Sierra Solid perfume. Would wear them together and feel beautiful...
I've got all down, thanks for coming by, doing the follows and all your lovely comments!
I follow your blog.
Hi Roxanna!
I love the Lily of the Valley necklace and the Antique Climbing Rose Locket the most.
I would like to see more rings though.
I follow your blog :-)
And am going to Tweet this on my Twitter!
Trish (trishpdx on etsy, but you knew that right?)
Hi Trish,
Yes, of course I know who you are. I'm so happy you've come on over and entered!
Sandra, welcome!
I'm still really loving the Climbing Roses Vintage Locket Necklace.
Email: 108freckles@gmail.com
Day 3 - I'm also digging the starling plume bracelet!!!
I tweeted the giveaway (http://twitter.com/jando_27), I follow your blog, and I follow Nicole's blog.
Hi its Dominique again,
I'm posting for the 3rd day...I love everything at lillyella..I can't pick!
I still love all the lilypad stuff!
I follow her blog all the time.
etsy: DominiqueD
email: dominique.duguay@yahoo.com
I'm loving the idea that we can post each day! Another one of my favorite Lillyella pieces is the silver Lilly of the Valley necklace. This was one of my first purchases from Nicole and I get a ton of compliments on it!
I'd like to see more earrings with unique earwires like the topaz swirl earrings.
Erika (erika.haire@verizon.net)
Oooo, how exciting!
All her work is so beautiful! My favorite item is the pearly vines necklace.
My name is Saorise and my email is my@jeraffi.com.
Day 3: I'm gonna go with the Fly me to the Moon necklace as another favorite since I wore it today. I love feeling the coin pearl as I wear it. It is so smooth.
Love to see anything new in Lillyella's shop. Maybe a matching bracelet to the Secret Life of Bees earrings would be nice.
Today I am quite found of the Pearly Vines Necklace. It is quite beautiful!
My favorite are the Pretty Posy Earrings in Matte Crystal and Silver . I love the simple beauty of some of the peices
The Springtime Sparrow necklace is my favourite.
I'd love to see more rings in Nicole's shop. :)
Thanks so much for the chance.
RavenX on Etsy
I'm a happy follower of the Lillyella blog. :)
RavenX on Etsy
I now am also a very happy follower of your sweet blog too, Roxana!
Thanks so much for a great feature on Nicole and also the give-a-way!
RavenX on Etsy
I have looked through all of her beautiful work once again, but my favorite is still the Pearly Vines Necklace.
My name is Saorise and my e-mail is my@jeraffi.com.
I also follow both your and her blogs!
Day 4! Man, I really want to win! :-)
Let's see, did I mention that I really like the climbing roses locket?
jando_27 at hotmail dot com
Another day, another entry! I really like the silver leaf bracelet, too. I'd like to see more ring choices.
Erika (erika.haire@verizon.net)
Day 4: Another one of my favorites is the Trade Winds necklace. The greens are so pretty together, and I got mine in brass.
Would love to see the topaz swirl earrings style in other colors like blue or green.
Etsy username is Mai1978 and my name is jennifer.
I love the Garden Flutter necklace. The prices seem very reasonable.
I follow lillyella's blog
I am still very much in love with the pearly vines necklace.
My name is Saorise and my email is my@jeraffi.com.
Day 5 - also love the spring morning earrings! so pretty. I own on variation w/ different colors, but i want the ones listed, too!
Day 5: I love all things Lillyella, can't seem to get my fill. Another favorite is the Lilly of the Valley charm necklace. So feminine, goes with every outfit too.
I'd love to see Nicole's stone lily long necklace make a comeback.
I am very much in love with the Climbing Roses Vintage Locket Necklace. I am also now following your blog as well as lillyella's.
Lillyella's work is beautiful. My favorites are the Mossy Garden Bracelet and the Spring Morning Necklace.
I have Lillyella's blog on my google reader as well as yours!! I thoroughly enjoy reading both. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
Her store is currently my fave for jewlery!
I love her style!
My favorite item- Turquoise Vines Necklace.
Would love to win this for my mother.
I would love to see more yellows and oranges (for spring!)
Thanks- Ashley
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
(3 extra) New follower of your blog.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
(3 extra) Follower of Lillyella's blog.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I am a huge fan of lillyella (Nicole) - her designs are a fantastic balance of elegant yet earthy. My current fave is the New Leaf Necklace.
If I had to suggest new items/styles, I might suggest some earrings that are larger/longer/more prominent in some way, for people like me who have huge "heads of curls" that tend to obscure daintier earring styles.
I follow lillyella's blog too!
Many thanks,
ModernLunacy on etsy
modernlunacy (at) gmail (dot) com
Day 2- 2nd entry March 30th
Another favorite - Fly me to the moon earrings are great!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
Its me, Dominique again.
This is the 5th time I'm posting for the giveaway..I love Nicole's stuff!
I follow her blog.
My etsy username is DominiqueD
ps: I was looking through the comments and some of my posts aren't there. I know I posted on the 26th, and it should have gone through...as well as yesterday's post (but that one you probably haven't gotten to yet, its ok!).
thanks for your help!
Final Day! Another favorite of mine are the Ice Capped acorn earrings.
jando_27 at hotmail dot com
I have a few of her pieces and absolutely adore them. I LOVE the Hawk Tail bracelet!
She's working on a bracelet for me and is amazing at taking my very uncreative idea and turning it into something that I'm sure will be beautiful.
I am soon to be a follower of both blogs so count those please! :)
Oh, I adore her Mossy Garden Branch Bracelet! More bracelets, please! :)
I'm twittering this and I follow Lillyella's blog and now yours.
etsy username - dgrayson
I love the Into the Blue Bracelet!!!! And I also follow Lillyella's blog, now follow your blog and follow you on Twitter and mentioned this on my twitter!!!!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!!!
Happy Monday! My favorite piece today is the Springtime Sparrow Necklace. I had some recommendations in my comment the other day. Love, love, love her work. ~ kate36ortiz
The Giveaway is now closed. I'll post the winner shortly.
Thanks to you and Nicole for the amazing giveaway. I'm so excited to have won! I picked the Garden Flutter Necklace w/ a Fuchsia flower. I can't wait to get it :) http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=22633431
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