Greg and I have been diligently working on preparing for tonight's meeting in Van Nuys to protect these glorious native oaks and the land. We've gathered the neighbors, we have all the facts in order, we've got the photos, abundant amounts of passion and heart...what else???
Last night as I soaked in the bath with the scent of the conifers, juniper and grapefruit I asked, "What else can I do for the Oaks? How can I harness some powerful energies to be at this evening hearing?" Well, this blog post came to mind.
With an intention of gathering strong magic for this evenings meeting I call upon YOU and....
THE EASTMy deepest gratitude to my facilitator Kaitryne and to Gary Stamper of the blog "Beyond Integral" who had already typed out the basic "Calling of the Four Directions" which I utilized in this post as well as borrowed some of his beauty filled ideas and words.
We call upon the Spirit-Keepers of the East, elemental AIR, home of our mental abilities and consciousness, ruled by the STARS and the color white…The throat chakra, the place of self expression, creativity and breath. Home of the Newborn, Dawn, New Beginnings, vision and inspiration of newness and fresh starts. The spirit medicine of Eagle dwells here with the ability to see far and wide. I call upon the guardians of the East. Welcome Spirit-Keepers of the East.
(Scent: Chaparral and Sierra Botanical Liquid Perfume)
We call in the Spirit-Keepers of the South, elemental FIRE, home of our beating
heart, ruled by the SUN and the color yellow…The heart and the constant rhythm within, the place of our passion, warmth, and direct knowing. Home of the Child, youthful abundant energy, and motivation. The spirit medicine of Lion dwells here with courage. I call upon the guardians of the South. Welcome Spirit-Keepers of the South.
(Scent: Cimbalom Botanical Solid Perfume, Aurora Solid & Liquid Botanical Perfume)
We call upon the Spirit-Keepers of the West, elemental WATER, home of our intuition and the dream time, ruled by the MOON and the color white…The belly, the place of emotion, desires and the ability to circulate. Home of the Feminine, the Mother and flow. The spirit medicine of Dolphin dwells here, in keen inner awareness, flowing in harmony. I call upon the guardians of the West. Welcome Spirit-Keepers of the West.
(Scent: Lyra Botanical Liquid Perfume)
We call upon the Spirit-Keepers of the North, elemental EARTH, home of our connection to the here & now, ruled by the EARTH and the color black…The base chakra, the place of manifestation, control & restraint and grounded in experience. Home of the Male, strength and ability to create magic. The spirit medicine of Snake dwells here with the ability to move swiftly, above and below the ground, to shed what no longer serves and be born anew. I call upon the guardians of the North. Welcome Spirit-Keepers of the North.
(Scent: Terrestre and Sierra Botanical Solid Perfume)
We call on the Center, the Womb of all Creation, the Void, the Black Hole. We call in our own Essence, feeling into our cores, feeling the part of the universe that is only and totally filled with us, connecting to the energies of our own uniqueness, our special medicine, our song, our gifts. Uniting with our own authentic essential nature and the ability to touch others with the unique beauty of this expression. When we are filled with our own personal energetic energies, we walk on, taking within us the four directions and the fulfillment of all that we are. Welcome Spirit-Keepers of the Center.
(Scent: Q Liquid Botanical Perfume)
I was about to ask you why the east isn't represented by the sun, but rather the south is in this system. (But I see that fire is the elemental connected so that's maybe why? Sun a ball of fire etc.)
And I think it makes sense that Q and Lyra are my faves, eh?
Good luck on the talk, a very worthy cause! Hope those mighty oaks stand proud for decades and decades to come. :-)
In writing this post I looked at all the interpretations of the Medicine Wheel and associations. I finally decided to go with what worked for the area where I and these oaks reside. For example our main water mass, the Pacific Ocean is in the West. Humans are very good at creating symbols, I have gone in and interpreted these iconic symbols.
Thank you for your positive vibes my dear, much appreciated!
Good luck at the Van Nuys meeting.
Best wishes from the South.
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