Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chocolates @ IndiePerfumes

Like the troubadours of days long ago poetress Lucy sings a melodic ode to the first tier of chocolate natural perfumes. Please visit Indie Perfumes and leave dear Lucy a comment if you have sampled one of the chocolates or would just like to show her some LOVE. Merci!

For more scent impressions of the Chocolates read what Tom at Perfume Smellin' Things and by Trish at Scent Hive. La Foret of the series was voted BEST Winter Fragrance by Beth.

Read more about the crafting and benefits of the Chocolates here at these links:
- The crafting of the chocolate perfumes: Like Scent for Chocolate
- The benefits: of the chocolate perfumes: Le Croquers de Chocolate


chayaruchama said...

Kudos justly earned, dear one .

I adored the set I ordered: Absolutely bandbox gorgeous, every detail delightful.
And the smell !
"Give it a name "....;-)

Illuminated Perfume said...

Thank you Chaya, you are the BESTest!
I just adore what Lucy wrote, she is quite special that one.