My latest hive, the SBB2, short for Squirrel Box Bees number 2 gather their pollen and nectar from the hillside wildflowers and brush of the Santa Monica Mountains. This clustering of plants is known as the chaparral biome.

Trish at Scent Hive today has a review of Chaparral® in both the liquid and solid format as well as her impression of the new Tangent. Fly on over and gather some nectar, leave a comment and perhaps win a sample of Chaparral® solid and liquid. In celebration I offer you a giveaway for a .25 gram sample of the new Tangent botanical organic perfume.

This giveaway ends at 10pm PST on Saturday, October 2nd. To qualify please leave a comment on this post. You must include your first name -or- etsy username AND email address with each entry or it will not be included. The contest is worldwide.
For additional entries you can do any or all of the following, please leave a separate comment for each entry.
- 1 entry per day of the contest: Twitter this message: RT @RoxanaVilla is hosting a giveaway for her new Tangent perfume! Visit http://bit.ly/anrZAS for a chance to win
- 2 entries (total) - Blog about this giveaway, leaving the URL to the post in comments (1 blog per entrant, please)
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of the Roxana at RoxanaVilla on Twitter
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of the Greg at RoxanaIlluminatedPerfume on Facebook
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of this journal: IlluminatedPerfume
1. If we cannot contact you we will give your prize away to someone else.
2. Depending how many entries I receive I will determine how the winner shall be chosen. Normally each entry is assigned a card from several decks here at the house, I then shuffle all the cards and have someone handy (like my daughter) choose a card for the winner and a runner up.
3. If you have won a Giveaway in the past you may enter again.
4. Please don't make up any new guidelines, what is outlined above is what we follow.
Be sure to check out the other giveaway over at Scent Hive.
Good luck!
Sounds Wonderful!
Awesome! I love your perfumes!
So exciting! I always love hearing about your processes, and updates on the bees. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow Illuminated Perfume in my google reader.
Sounds great! I'm in:)
became a follower of this journal too.
I think your perfume sounds lovely,i enjoy reading Trish's reviews also :)
cyclona66(at) Aol dot com
I am a Illuminated Perfume Blog follower(Ginger)
cyclona66(At)A ol dot com
I have love for all woody things so I'd love to participate in the giveaway :)
My Etsy name...aproos
Thanks Roxana!
A lovely give away! Thanks!
This sounds wonderful, thanks
Added your illuminatedperfume journal to my blog about perfumes. I don't have the links for your facebook or twitter. but i will find out.
Wonderful perfumes I'd love to win.Thanks Helen
i now follow illuminatedperfume
blogged about it~cassidy~saloberg@aeroinc.net~http://songs2myheart.blogspot.com
Dear Roxana,
I was just looking at Tangent wondering how it would smell compared to Chaparral. Then you graciously offer and giveaway with Trish. I hurried over to post a comment. I just wanted to say thank you for the lime recipe post earlier this summer. I tried it and my tincture turned out beautiful and now I have my vanilla basking in some jojoba too. Also I fell in love with the sample of Terrestre you sent. It is so creamy and warm. Just beautiful. Thank you again. Angie Funk
PS. Excited to see Cimbalom liquid will be released soon.
Congratulations on the wonderful review at ScentHive! And thank you for offering this giveaway.
Laura (Urbaneden at Etsy) urbaneden@gmail.com
And I follow you on Twitter. :)
Urbaneden (Etsyname)
Please enter me
I follow you with GFC
Count me in :)
Vilija, xlacrimax at gmail dot com
I follow IlluminatedPerfume.
Vilija, xlacrimax at gmail dot com
Hello! Lovely blog and giveaway. Here's hoping lady luck smiles on me. =)
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
i tweeted:
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
following you on twitter as bellekhris
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
followng the illuminated perfume blog via gfc as khrista porcadilla
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
great giveaway!
engh.katie at gmail dot com
Thank you for another Giveaway, Roxana. Sounds divine! I follow your blog. Happy Michelmas!
<3 Peg from SM
I can just imagine how heavenly this smells.
jdwolfepottery [at] yahoo.com
Thanks for the chance!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Thank you everyone! The winner is Katie, congratulations!
Congratulations to the winner!
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