The new camera arrived yesterday via Fed Ex and I am absolutely thrilled with it. The camera is a Canon Rebel T2i, we choose this one because I can use it to take my product photos and create films. For my birthday this year I told Greg that more than anything else I wanted a camera, given that Eve was leaving and taking her trusty Nikon with her. Thus Greg recruited friends and family to pitch in and wahlah, manifestation. Thank you everyone who helped out, I so very grateful and happy, happy to be shooting again!
At first when we were researching cameras I was pretty set on getting a Nikon since I've been a Nikon gal most of my life and really liked Eve's camera. However, Ben mentioned that the Canon is the one used in lots of video and film these days. After exhaustive research online and speaking with other photographers we settled on the Canon, we made the right choice, it feels great in my hands and is very intuitive.

Here are my first few shots yesterday afternoon walking around the garden. Today I've been shooting To Bee and Hedera helix photos. The plan is to introduce Hedera helix to you are in the morrow, Friday, now to go find some ivy for the photos.

Images: 1. Self portrait at the front door of our woodland home, 2. Cactus and 3. Dried leaves in the garden.
Lovely photos!
Can't wait to see what you capture!.... so happy to be a part of this creation!... xoxo
Being a Canon user/fan I'm glad you chose it. I hope you'll enjoy using it and share many more nice pictures with us.
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