Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Here in the woodland garden the dominant aroma has been plumeria, also known as frangipani in perfume. I have four of these rather archiac looking plants in large pots. The phallic looking stems were brought back from a trip to Kauai a few years back.

In general the bloom time for my plants is in July and August. I have four yellow and one pink. I've found that the yellow flowers are much hardier and have a strong aroma compared to pink. The other day I saw a white variety blooming and stopped the car so as to inhale the aroma. I was disappointed that there was barely any smell. Not sure if it was my nose that day, the heat or the actual flower. In any event, if you get some, I highly recommend the yellow!

Like other clever plants, the Plumeria seduces the insect over with its incredible perfume, in this case the Sphinx Moth. The moth gets flustered when looking for the nectar and thus manages to move pollen from one plant to another in its search for its treasure.

 I haven't made a plumeria perfume as of yet because of the cost involved, Frangipani absolute is extremely expensive and I haven't wanted to sacrifice the beautiful flowers in my garden. Perhaps when I have more plants I will venture into capturing their soul in a scent portrait.

Photos by Roxana Villa, feel free to pin, ask before using in other venues.

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