There will be over 150 attendees at the Saturday lunch I am presenting at. This translates into 150+ sample packages to get ready and ship to NYC. Above is a picture of the package contents so far: new postcard, business card, with one liquid and one solid perfume sample. I may put in
one of Greg's postcards as well.
In the meantime Maestro Gregorio has been putting together a visual presentation to accompany my live auditory wisdoms regarding the value of botanical perfume.
It's been one year since we were in NY, yet, about sixteen years since I moved from there to LA. Gee, sixteen years, it doesn't feel that long. I know the city so well and look forward to walking the streets filled with frenzy and a plethora of olfactory delights and horrors all in one sniff.
Back to making packages.
Roxana Illuminated Perfume™
Happy package making!This sounds so familiar to me. Enjoy the moments of trance when you reach the package number 100.
Ohhh, a trance moment...I think I missed it, DARN! Off to pack clothing now and get a few hours sleep before flying to NYC!!
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