Welcome to the 1st Etsy Artist Feature and Giveaway of the year 2010! The talented and heart felt visual artist Greg Spalenka graces us with his glorious, inspiring imagery. Greg is the visual artist behind the Etsy shop Spalenka.

Last year Greg opened two shops at Etsy, one for his elder illustration work which included his journalistic work with Mike Tyson and the Spalenka shop featuring "Fantasy and Visual Art from the Mind's Eye." The image that originally drew me to his work, even after being aware of his name in illustration circles, is Blessings. The original painting Blessings was created for a festival created by San Francisco organization called Open Hand.

Greg's work embodies elements of the old masters with his a devotion to the figure. The expertise as a draftsman and painter is highlighted by his use of collage, tape, texture and wild abandonment. See more of his technique at this and this Bouquet link on his website.

Lately Greg has been manifesting more than just beautiful imagery for print and film. He has decided to be of service to the larger community of artists with empowering workshops. Greg refers to ArtistAsBrand™ as an "Indie Art Revolution" with a lofty goal of creating empowered, self sufficient artist entrepreneurs.
I asked Greg a few questions so that you'll could get to know him a bit more. He was in the car driving to Laguna Beach to teach ArtistAsBrand™ as I asked him these questions via the phone.

My goal is to channel the essence of the divine through my work and live in the art spirit.
2.) What is your favorite scent from the natural world?
Carnation absolute, essential oil of Ylang Ylang and Spice.
3.) If you were King of a village what would you wish for your kingdom?
The first thing that comes to mind is peace and prosperity.....and divine creativity,
4.) How did you find yourself making and teaching art?
For as long as I remember I have always had an interior cathedral in my head, a sacred space of infinite imagination. I am grateful to have had success as an illustrator and now empower others with what I have learned in the span of my career.
5) Tell us a secret?
Hmmm, a secret...hmmm...I'd like to receive an academy award!
Thank you Greg, it is an enormous delight to share your beautiful imagery with the readers of this journal. We will all be visualizing you receiving an academy award, can't wait! Get to know Greg a bit more and tap into his interior cathedral by visiting his art website and his new blog.
Now, for the giveaway....Greg has decided to give two things away, which means there will be two winners:
1. A Goddess Postcard set from his Etsy shop, winner chooses set #1 or #2.
2. A FREE pass to one of his ArtistAsBrand™ workshop during 2010 (a value $500 !!!)
This giveaway ends at 10pm PST on Sunday, January 31st.
To qualify to win one of these prizes, please....
Begin by visiting the Spalenka shop on Etsy and sharing in your comment what item you most crave from his shop. You must include your first name -or- etsy username AND email address with each entry or it will not be included.
For additional entries you can do any or all of the following, please leave a separate comment for each entry.
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of the ArtistAsBrand web log
- 1 entry per day of the contest: Twitter this message: RT @RoxanaVilla is hosting a giveaway with Greg Spalenka! Visit http://journal.illuminatedperfume.com for a chance to win
- 2 entries (total) - Blog about this giveaway, leaving the URL to the post in comments (1 blog per entrant, please)
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of the Greg at ArtistAsBrand on Twitter
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of the Greg at ArtistAsBrand on Facebook
- 1 entry: Be or become a follower of this journal: IlluminatedPerfume
1. If we cannot contact you we will give your prize away to someone else.
2. The featured seller will do their very best to mail the winners package in a timely manner, please contact them directly if you have any questions.
3. Depending how many entries I receive I determine how the winner shall be chosen. Normally each entry is assigned a card from several decks here at the house, I then shuffle all the cards and have someone handy (like my daughter) choose a card for the winner and a runner up.
4. If you have won the Artist Feature and Giveaway in the past you may enter again.
5. Please don't make up any new guidelines, what is outlined above is what we follow.
Good Luck everyone!!
I love the Lotus Faeries poster listed here: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25488975. Magical and I love the choice of colors! I'd love to hang this in my bedroom. Thank you for the wonderful interview--please enter me in the giveaway!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
I really like Ignite Thy Passion Greeting Card Set. Your store is wonderful - unique vision.
-Yevgeniya ym2154 at gmail
It's really hard to pick just one! I love BOTH Lotus Faeries posters- If I had to pick I would probably choose this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25488975
tweet tweet!
thanks for the chance :)
The Musing the Goddess Postcard Set 11 has captured my imagination.
I love the "Eye of the Unicorn" greeting card set. Thanks for the giveaway!
I most crave the Blessings Greeting Card Set!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I love the Eye of the Unicorn greeting card set. So beautiful!
So many beautiful choices! I really liked the Illuminated Heart Necklace, so pretty! ambrerose@aol.com
My favorite (I think!) is the Lotus Faeries poster. But I am also in love with Illuminaire! Gorgeous work!!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Shoot, sorry...forgot etsy user name. It's hybroanglid.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I follow artistasbrand on Twitter as hybroanglid.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I follow THIS blog on Blogger!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Great giveaway!
I do like the Eyes of the Unicorn Greeting Card Set.
Please count me in. Thanks.
avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it
I really love the Fire-Light greeting card, http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=38977371.
I love how the woman looks so innocent but is yet so beautiful.
I'm following Artistbybrand on FB, as melimore@nova.edu.
My email is fubabies2010@yahoo.com or Christmaself56@gmail.com
I have a lot of emails, sorry!
Great Giveaway!! I hope I win!!
A great artist!
I really like the lotus faerie poster!
OMG I love the Lotus Faeries! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25488975
daisydayz25 at googlemail.com
I loved The Eyes of the Unicorn Greeting Card Set very mystical!
Kym - busybbee05[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au
I have become a follower of ArtistAsBrand Web log
I follow Greg on twitter @umeplusone
I follow Greg on Facebook (Kym T)
Follower of IlluminatedPerfume
Musing The Goddess Postcard attracted my attention
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
my tweet
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
follower of Greg on Twitter (barbiejef)
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
blog post 1
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
blog post 2
bvrlylava at gmail dot com
I tweeted this contest!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Nice work as always, Greg. They're all great, but Fire-Light is especially evocative. The workshop looks interesting. Michael... mggibbs@yahoo.com
btw, I follow Greg's blog... I'm on his mailing list.
... and we're FaceBook friends. Does that count? Not just FB friends, but friends who have friended each other on FB. :-)
Michael mggibbs08@yahoo.com
I would have to go with Lotus Faeries Poster. Great use of color with a nice simple composition. Bob Dobbie, bobdobbie@gmail.com.
I've really been wanting The Visions of Vespertina CD...so I finally bought it! Haha:)
I am a follower of Greg's ArtistAsBrand on facebook.
(Shilo Crandall)
I love the "Blessings" postcard set!!!! What a lovely and loving image.
gruvkitty9 at gmail.com
RT @RoxanaVilla is hosting a giveaway with Greg Spalenka! Visit http://journal.illuminatedperfume.com for a chance to win
Following on twitter
gruvkitty9 at gmail dot com
Became a fan on FB
gruvkitty9 at gmail dot com
Follower of Illum Perf.
gruvkitty9 at gmail dot com
Greg, I love all of your work. Musing the Goddess Series 1 includes two of my all time faves: Divinus & Ignite Thy Passion. Your work has inspired me to come back to painting after a stretch where I became disillusioned with being an artist for hire. I'm intrigued by your Artist as Brand workshops. I must tell you that this strikes me as an unusual way to enter a contest, yet I'm compelled throw my hat in the ring for a chance to come to your workshop gratis!!!
Diane Rigoli, Email address: rigoliarts@earthlink.net
Became a follower of Artist as Brand Blog. Mille Grazie per tutto!
Became a fan of Artist as Brand on FB.Thank you for the opportunity.
Hi Roxana ~
I love the Goddess postcards, particularly the Divinus piece (it makes me feel good to look at that, truly).
I also love the Lotus Faeries poster. Greg's art is all very beautiful and transformative to me.
Thank you for letting me enter your giveaway (I follow your blog)!
<3 Peg in SM
cwestpost [at] aol [dot] com
Blogged! This is a great give away! Thank you! Hope I get the workshop - I could really, really use it! No, really! :)
gruvkitty9 at gmail dot com
By the Goddess - how to choose?
I've followed Greg since 1999 and am absolutely in love with everything he does. This, however is a no-brainer: Lotus Faeries, because it's both the epitome of feminine spirit and the magic of his visual poetry.
I love all of them, but really love Illuminaire. That just speaks to my soul.
While I'm fortunate and most blessed to have one of Greg's original works, I love*love*love* his Musing the Goddess series... but mostly what I wish for is the gift of his wisdom on the artist as brand. I think what the two of you have accomplished, both separately and together, is alchemy of the highest order.
~Adriane xx
This Artist feature and giveaway is officially closed, the winners will be announced shortly.
Thank you for stopping by.
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